About Saint Lucia Located in the Caribbean AREA:238 sq. miles, COORDINATES: 14 N, 61 W, POP: 178,000, GDP per capita: of US$ 7,744.45 (2016)
Energy Situation Peak Demand: 60MW Baseload: 38MW Installed Capacity: 88.6 MW diesel The local utilityLUCELEC produces close to 100% of electricity through diesel generation. Approximately 600kW rooftop solar PV, LUCELEC recently had groundbreaking for 3MW solar PV facility in the south of the island. Great potential for RE, especially Solar, Wind and a geothermal energy resource which is currently being explored LUCELEC Power plant
Energy Policy, Institutions and Strategy Key Targets for Saint Lucia: 35% Electricity from Renewables by 2020 20% reduction in consumption from Public Buildings by 2020 Key Institutions are the GoSL Renewable Energy Division, LUCELEC and the National Utilities Regulatory Commission (NURC) GoSL and LUCELEC mobilised CWR-RMI / CCI to chart the National Energy Transition Strategy ( NETS), building on the national energy policy.
About the NETS Methodology and Objectives: The Saint Lucia NETS (National Energy Transition Strategy) process identified a package of energy investments to: 1.Improve reliability of the grid 2.Facilitate cost containment in an future of volatile oil prices, benefitting consumers and the economy 3.Support increased energy independence, including reaching renewable energy targets (per the National Energy Policy) Process: •A multi-stakeholder and expert-led process guided jointly by Government and LUCELEC, and will be submitted to the NURC. •Participatory process, beginning with a Stakeholder Consultation in February 2016, and continued meetings through August 2016. KEY Findings: ‘How renewable should the system be?’, a diverse portfolio of diesel, solar, wind, and storage offers strong economics, while providing continued reliability. –This portfolio gives savings of 13% (saving the country $640M ECD over 20 years), and reaches the 35% renewable energy target by 2029. –Geothermal, when procured at low cost fits into the least-cost pathway. At PPA prices between ECD $.30 and $.38 per kWh, geothermal benefits the country and supports energy independence. •When addressing ‘How should the system be owned?’, the team finds that centralized (LUCELEC) ownership of future renewable assets is critical to keep rates down. –LUCELEC ownership of the wind project (currently proposed under a PPA of ECD $.49 per kWh) provides more benefit to Saint Lucians –Allowing distributed generation, with reasonable caps, can help meet renewable energy goals, but increases costs for customers who don’t buy solar by ECD $.07 to ECD $.08 per kWh
Conditional Target measured against the BAU emissions projections Year % change rel. to BAU projection Emissions Reductions 2025 16 % reduction 121 GgCO2-eq 2030 23 % reduction 188 GgCO2-eq
Green Architecture Promotion Pilot (GAPP) This initiatives targets 3 schools in Saint Lucia Interventions will include: Rainwater harvesting Solar PV systems Greenhouses LEED Training in Energy Efficient and Sustainable Design Energy Audits for Schools These measures encompass both mitigation and adaptation, and will be undertaken at 3 schools around the island. Ties into the Green Architecture project, also supported by JCCCP.
Green Schools NAMA Focuses on the 74 Primary Schools and 23 Secondary schools in Saint Lucia Mitigation actions will include: Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy Capacity Building An initial stakeholder consultation was held 17th February 2017. The Draft NAMA will be presented on October 31st , 2017 and will be finalized in the first quarter of 2018 Vieux Fort Comprehensive School, Saint Lucia These measures encompass both mitigation and adaptation, and will be undertaken at 3 schools around the island. Ties into the Green Architecture project, also supported by JCCCP.
UNDP JCCCP PROJECT :The Japan-Caribbean Climate Change Partnership brings together policy makers, experts and representatives of communities to encourage policy innovation for climate technology incubation and diffusion. Outcome 1: NAMA’s and NAP’s to promote alternative low emission and climate resilient technologies Outcome 2: Adaptation and implementation of mitigation and adaptation technologies Outcome 3: Strengthened knowledge networks through shared South-South and North-South experiences
GREF Standardized Baselines supported by RCC St George’s
Propose GEF Values for St. Lucia Description Applicable project types Values Operating margin CO2 emission factor for the project electricity system 0.664 tCO2/MWh Build margin CO2 emission factor for the project electricity system 0.661 Combined margin CO2 emission factor for the project electricity system Wind and solar power generation project activities All project activities except wind and solar power generation project activities
Contact the UNFCCC RCC for further information on support for Standardised baselines