NAEP Average Scale Score Growth: 2009 to 2017 DC achieved growth in average scale score on the NAEP in all grades and subjects over the past 8 years, with DC public charter students leading the way in nearly every assessment: Grade 4 Reading: 16 points to state’s 11 points Grade 4 Math: 15 points to the state’s 12 points Grade 8 Reading: 3 points to state’s 5 points Grade 8 Math: 14 points to the state’s 12 points The state showed statistically significant growth in all four grade/subject categories in the past 10 years. In 2017, average scale score for Grade 4 reading exceeded state average for first time since 2007.
Improvement in NAEP Proficiency Rates 2015-2017 Grade 4 public charter students improved dramatically in reading: Overall, students demonstrated statistically significant growth of 5% in proficiency since 2015, more than doubling the proficiency rate in 2009 The proficiency rate of black students and economically disadvantaged students improved by 7% and 5%, respectively (both statistically significant) since 2015 The average scale score improvement of 5 points for grade 4 DC public charter students in reading from 2015 to 2017 exceeded the improvement of each one of the 50 states and DC statewide. DC public charter students also showed gains in 4th grade math and in 8th grade math, though not statistically significant gains. 8th grade reading declined slightly, though not statistically significantly. The reading proficiency for grade 8 charter students remained constant from 2015 to 2017, but has either stayed consistent or improved each of past 5 cycles tests (up 5% since 2009).
NAEP Grade 4 Reading Average Scale Score (Overall) In 2017, average scale score for Grade 4 reading exceeded state average for first time in the past 10 years. Growth for the charter sector was considered statistically significant by NAEP standards.
NAEP Grade 4 Reading Average Scale Score (Black Students) Average scale score of DC’s black students in grade 4 reading has improved every year since 2011, with DC charter students improving by 19 points over the past 10 years to the state’s 15.
NAEP Grade 4 Reading Average Scale Score (Free & Reduced Lunch) Average scale score of DC’s free and reduced lunch students in grade 4 reading maintained or improved every test instance in the past 10 years, with DC charter students improving by 17 points over the past 10 years to the state’s 16. Growth was statistically significant for the state from 2015 to 2017 for this subgroup.
NAEP Grade 4 Math Average Scale Score (Overall) Average scale score of DC’s charter students in grade 4 math improved every test instance in the past 10 years, with DC charter students improving by 18 points over the past 10 years to the state’s 17.
NAEP Grade 4 Math Average Scale Score (Black Students) Average scale score of DC’s black students (both charter and statewide) in grade 4 math improved every test instance in the past 10 years, with black students in charter schools improving by 19 points over the past 10 years to the state’s 15.
NAEP Grade 4 Math Average Scale Score (Free & Reduced Lunch) Average scale score of DC’s free and reduced lunch students (both charter and statewide) in grade 4 math maintained or improved every test instance in the past 10 years, with economically disadvantaged students in charter schools improving by 17 points over the past 10 years to the state’s 16.
NAEP Grade 8 Reading Average Scale Score (Overall) DC charter students outperformed the state average scale score in grade 8 reading for each of the past 10 years of available NAEP data.
NAEP Grade 8 Reading Average Scale Score (Black Students) DC black students in charter schools outperformed the state average scale score in grade 8 reading for each of the past 10 years of available NAEP data.
NAEP Grade 8 Reading Average Scale Score (Free & Reduced Lunch) DC students eligible for free and reduced lunch in charter schools outperformed the state average scale score in grade 8 reading for each of the past 10 years of available NAEP data.
NAEP Grade 8 Math Average Scale Score (Overall) DC charter students outperformed the state average scale score in grade 8 math for each of the past 10 years of available NAEP data, improving by an average of 12 points in that time.
NAEP Grade 8 Math Average Scale Score (Black Students) DC black students in charter schools outperformed the state average scale score for that subgroup in grade 8 reading for each of the past 10 years of available NAEP data, improving by 7 points over that time.
NAEP Grade 8 Math Average Scale Score (Free & Reduced Lunch) DC charter students eligible for free and reduced lunch outperformed the state average scale score in grade 8 reading for that subgroup for each of the past 10 years of available NAEP data, improving by 5 points over that time.
Average Scale Score by Subgroup (Charter Sector Only) NAEP Grade 4 Reading Average Scale Score by Subgroup (Charter Sector Only) Statistically significant improvement both overall and for black students in charter sector Growth by each of the subgroups shown here, including a six-point improvement for students with disabilities See slides for notes.
NAEP 2017: Grade 4 Math Average Scale Score by Subgroup Average Scale Score by Subgroup (Charter Sector Only) Growth by each of the race/ethnicity subgroups shown here, and a four-point improvement by economically disadvantaged students Students with disabilities decreased 2 points in average scale score, still 4 points above state average of 196 See slides for notes.
NAEP 2017: Grade 8 Reading Average Scale Score by Subgroup Average Scale Score by Subgroup (Charter Sector Only) Average scale score dropped for each subgroup and overall, but exceeded state average for all subgroups shown here. Economically disadvantaged students had lower scale score average but improved proficiency rate overall. See slides for notes.
Average Scale Score by Subgroup (Charter Sector Only) NAEP Grade 8 Math Average Scale Score by Subgroup (Charter Sector Only) Slight improvement overall, 4 points above state average. Black students outperformed state average by 7 points See slides for notes.
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