Mastery Connect Overview Berclair Elementary School 10/29/2014
Are you Smarter Than a 4th Grader? You are going to solve 5 math problems based on a 4th grade math SPI. Your answers will be recorded on the bubble sheet provided with your name. The answer choices do not have letters in front of them. So---the first one is A, the second is B, and so on… Any questions????? I know how tired you all are so I decided to use 4th grade content instead Everyone will participate-- -even Dr. Shaw!!!!
Pass your papers to the youngest member of your table/row/area. Young faculty members will allow you to rest your weary legs while they turn in each answer sheet. We will see how this program will allow us to evaluate performance later in this presentation. Thank you for your participation!!!!!!
By the end of this training session you will be able to…. Update your profile in mastery connect, enter the names of your students, create an assessment, score an assessment, and begin using the program to monitor the progress of your students.
Step 1: Login using information emailed to you.
What can you do with this software? Create assessments quickly Grade assessments extremely quickly Instantly know who has mastered a skill, is nearing mastery of a skill, and who needs remediation on a skill. The program continuously updates student data for every SPI. Get lesson plan ideas, activities, and online games from teachers from all over the district, state, and country.
Step 2: Understand the menu and everything else will fall into place!
Enter your student names and begin assessing. Step 3: Enter your student names and begin assessing.