Remarks from the South Carolina Department of Social Services Change Name of Presenter for Greenville and Charleston Greenville: Faith Lee, M.A., Director of Performance Management & Accountability, Child Welfare Services Charleston: Gwynne Goodlett, J.D., Director of Child Health & Well-being, Child Welfare Services “Family First Prevention Services Act” Remarks from the South Carolina Department of Social Services
Family First Prevention Services Act and S. C Family First Prevention Services Act and S.C. Child Welfare Services Reform Agenda The FFPSA is in complete alignment with the goals the state has to improve how children and families experience the child welfare system in South Carolina: Prioritizes families and keeping children in their families and communities Emphasizes preventing unnecessary placements in the foster care system Supports an investment in community based services evidence based practices targeted to mental health, substance use, and in-home parenting skills training
Kinship Navigator Grant FFPSA supports implementation of evidence-based kinship navigator programs that connect relative caregivers to services and support On July 20, 2018, the agency submitted a Kinship Navigator Funding Request to expand kinship care options that will support family connections, continuity and placement considerations. Funds requested was $342,151 for FY 2018 Waiting on results of the submission of the Kinship Navigator Grant
SC DSS Kinship Navigator Grant Proposal Increasing awareness of kinship care through outreach efforts Expanding evidence-based/evidence-informed parenting programs relevant for kinship caregivers Expanding caregiver support group options Increasing awareness of kinship care through outreach efforts: The creation of a kinship care video available to the general public accessed through the agency’s website will raise awareness of kinship care options both internally and with the general public, especially those interested in providing this type of care. Created with the input of kinship caregivers, organizations representing them, youth raised by kinship caregivers and relevant agencies and community based and faith based organizations, this video narrated by SCDSS staff and kinship caregivers would highlight the key components in the Kinship Care Guidelines, the Kinship Care Brochure and the Kinship Care Agreement. The video will highlight educating kinship caregivers of their options in caring for their relatives while educating DSS staff on ways to engage kinship caregivers; offering the option to become licensed as a foster parent; resolving custody and referring kinship caregivers to the Kinship Care Coordinators to help kin access services. The video will also highlight accessing resources through the United Way 211 information system, the benefit bank and other key resources. All reference materials will be available to download. SCDSS Kinship Care Coordinators contact information will also be provided as a link for potential kin caregivers for additional information, to address individual concerns and for assistance in locating concrete and clinical resources, support groups, kinship service providers and parenting services. Print Media in the form of kin friendly posters will also be developed using a diverse group of kin caregivers and children promoting kinship care and highlighting a link to the video. Expanding evidence-based/evidence-informed parenting programs relevant for kinship caregivers ARC parenting program framework building healthy attachments among youth and caregivers; supporting youth in their ability to identify, understand, tolerate and shift emotional and physiological responses and experiences; supporting normative developmental competencies that may have been derailed by trauma exposure; and integrating trauma experiences. Expanding caregiver support group options Kinship care support groups will provide attendees with shared lived experiences various types of help for addressing issues in raising their relatives’ children such as child care needs, obtaining needed financial and child support and other concrete resources, finalizing custody and visitation, and programs/services for addressing mental health/trauma related issues for the children in their care.
Implementation of the FFPSA Planning and Implementation Team is being assembled Strategic Implementation Plan will be developed by the end of the year
Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) FFPSA DRAFT Planning and Implementation Team Structure Leadership (Intern/Intra Divisional Legal Partners (courts, attorneys) Counties Private Providers Youth Parents Foster parents Tribes CWS Partners Leadership Team-CWS Steering Committee Stakeholder Engagement FFPSA Planning and Implementation Work Group Work Group Leaders: Director of Permanency Management and Director of Family & Community Partnerships Prevention Strategy Practice and Policy/Procedure Strategy Service Array Development Legal Develop SharePoint Site for all work associated with implementation of the FFPSA Finance Data