Exam Architectural Structures Arch 241 Monday November 20 10. 30-12 Exam Architectural Structures Arch 241 Monday November 20 10.30-12.30 There will be seven questions- answer only five! Plus Tic Tac Toe, which will not play a part in the final mark
Tic tac toe Draw a 3 by 3 grid, and put in each square the number of one of the words that describes the picture best
1. Why does it say on the paper shopping bag shown below "Pull handles up, not out"? *What kind of joint is being relied on here? * When the bag is full, what type of force does the bag designer want you to favor and what type to avoid? Choose from: compression, tension, shear, torsion, bending * Can you think of a simple way (or ways) to reinforce the handle-bag joint using a common household tool? *Describe how that would improve the carrying capacity of the paper handle
2. Three structures with similar curvilinear form are shown below 2. Three structures with similar curvilinear form are shown below. *Why was one structure built in this form, and why did the other two take on this form? *What single reason makes using this form for actual structures so efficient? *Why does this curvilinear form allow use of materials that have no or very little tensile strength?
3. Historically, there have been three ways to span a gap in a masonry wall.(A model of one of those systems, using wood blocks is shown.) *In a few paragraphs and simple sketches show these three methods. *Which one can reach the largest span? *Which culture exploited the large-span system very successfully, in planar as well as in 3D form? *Historically, what was the maximal span using stone? When?
4. Shown below are cross sections of (from l to r) The Pantheon, Hagia Sophia, St. John Divine and Florence Cathedral. *Comment briefly on the differences shown in these 4 cross sections (such as materials) and on the process of construction: e.g. scaffolding or no scaffolding
5. Wood then and now
6. “The Maison Dom-ino was designed by Le Corbusier in 1914 as a housing prototype that would address a Europe-wide housing shortage in the years leading up to the Great War.” (from the AA website) *Why is the wooden replica of the Maison Domino that was, constructed recently at the London AA school of architecture (and displayed at the 2014 Venice biennale)nothing more than a model of the form of the Maison Domino, completely missing the main structural asset of the original design in reinforced concrete ?
7. Below are shown plan elevation and construction photos comparing Place Ville Marie in Montreal to the Gherkin in London. (both about the same height) If we had built a model of Place Ville Marie, using reeds for the columns and cardboard for the floors, using a square core, and removed the ‘core’ as we did with Gherkin model, * in what ways would the Place Ville Marie model behave differently?