INPE, São José dos Campos (SP), Brazil WGISS-45 Meeting Open Source Software INPE, São José dos Campos (SP), Brazil 12 April, 2018
Software & Tools Type and Typology Software/Tools Application Type: Data Product generation Quality control Product visualization Value adding Data and Metadata Management Software/Tools Application Typology: PROPRIETARY OPEN SOURCE Full Documentation not always available Full Documentation Available License and patent rules may apply No license fees License agreements subject to change No patents owners Restrictions for use and modifications may apply Open for self-made modifications Limited use Unlimited use
ESA-wide policy on Open Source Software (OSS) Objectives: Improve ESA governance on Open Source Software procurement, according to technical needs, covering licensing aspects and the establishment of clear guidelines and procedures for OSS transfer outside the MS. An ESA inter-directorate OSS Taskforce was set up in 2010 and recommended the OSS policy OSS Policy was approved in Sep-2011 Justifications: For ESA space programmes OSS can provide cost savings and innovation. For industry it can provide ways to enter the market (in particular for SMEs) and cost reduction for development and maintenance of software products and tools.
ESA’s OSS Policy – Key points Authorise the use of Open Source Licensing as legitimate, technically valid and a legally sound options for ESA software developments in the following cases: Collaboration with Universities and Research Institutes; Promotion of space international standards; Mission Data Processing tools; Engineering Tools; Industrial Commercial Interest. Definition of OSS Procurement Guidelines (updates of ESA’s General Clauses and Conditions for ESA Contracts) Implementation and maintenance of an ESA OSS Repository for ESA wide use and support to industry
OSS In practices In line with the spirit of the free and open data policy, ESA’s Earth Observation ground segment department is committed to develop more and more open source software. Affected domains: EO tool boxes Multi-mission components of ground segments infrastructures EO data Processors Operational software in general Software developed in R&D Contribution to OGC, WGISS Earth Science Exploitation platform Many Open Source software released in the past Open Source software contribution will increase in the future
Software & Open Sources Practices at ESA – Yesterday Any Session/Task with shared folder x x
Software & Open Sources Practices at ESA – Today & Tomorrow The European Space Software Repository (ESSR) is an ESA information web portal to promote reuse of Software including Open Source Software (OSS), and provide all parties involved in European Space software development access to results of previous investments.
ESSR Objectives The ESSR objectives are: What can it do? Guide European Space Industry in identifying available OSS Allow Industry to make their OSS products and associated services known to the space community and beyond Help European industry in joining ongoing OSS collective development projects; Provide visibility on licensing schemes and legal aspects on European products Support building up of collaborative OSS initiatives What can it do? The ESSR web portal contains a list of projects, search function (e.g. using tags) and blog functionality among others. The projects contain general information (name, description and a link to a more detailed information page), creation and last modification date, version control system, owner and license type information as well as a homepage and download link. Users are either Guest or Registered, with different access level. The registration process is handled by the tool.
OSS discussion triggered by … OSS in CEOS WORK Plan
OSS in CEOS – First clear change In order to reflect the updated structure the Open Source Software page should be moved into Interoperability and Use Area
OSS in CEOS – Way Forward Create a dedicated web page in WGISS Interoperability & Use OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE List of the Open Sources Software Data Product generation … Quality control Data and Metadata Management Data Analysis Visualisation & Valorisation Open Data Cube (with all relevant metadata – agency, description, version, application area, downloading link – OR direct link to the Agencies relevant repository, Github, etc.)
OSS in CEOS – Next Steps OSS Survey in CEOS Agencies compiling the reports with relevant Metadata
OSS in CEOS – Next step to be discussed ACTION: Create a Repository of OSS (but not exclusively) in CEOS WGISS Two Options: Physical Repository in CEOS with OSS managed by a CMS. Mixed Repository in CEOS with reference link to CEOS agencies Repositories and software uploaded.