Computer Literacy Assessment tool for student placement eLab SET Savitha Pinnepalli, B.E., M.E.,M.S. Assistant Professor, Computer Science River Parishes Community College March 10, 2013
Why assess digital literacy? You’ve decided to test. Now what? Agenda Why assess digital literacy? You’ve decided to test. Now what? Assessment tools – what to consider Overview / Demo of eLab SET 09/11/2018 eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013
Digital literacy is a core competency that is needed for every student to be successful at school, at work, and at home Here is my premise – that digital literacy is a critical, core competency that every student must possess to be successful in school, at work, and at home. 09/11/2018 eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013
Challenges Facing Institutions Lack of prerequisite skills Advanced skills Instructor difficulty meeting needs of all students Graduating without key skills Not prepared for online courses A wide range of computer skills exists among incoming students Some students are bored in introductory computers classes; others are lost Instructors are faced with trying to meet the needs of both and end up meeting neither Some graduating students do not have the computer skills to be successful in today’s workplace Students taking online courses lack basic computer knowledge such as document storage, file management and email, and require instructors to train them -- Online courses require a fundamental understanding of file management, email, and other computer functions. If a student doesn’t possess these skills, chances are they will struggle. As one educator stated, “As a faculty member, I really don’t have the time to teach [students] how to turn on your computer and find BlackBoard, or click on a link to access a file…” But without these skills, students have a much higher chance of dropping the course. 09/11/2018 eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013
Journal of Information Systems Education Recommendations Survey incoming freshman students about their computing skills Offer a leveling introductory computer course Offer a ‘test-out’ option for students with advanced skills Avoid duplication of contents in your college-level course College-level computer literacy courses should emphasize problem solving skills utilizing technology Develop a detailed, common syllabus to assure consistency in teaching A few years ago, The journal of Information Systems Education recommended a number of solutions. These included a survey of students about computer skills to identify the level of skills, introductory courses, and test-out options for advanced students to bypass courses they don’t need. While most of these have a great deal of merit, since these recommendations were issued, several studies have shown that self-assessment by students is not an effective tool for accurately measuring skills. One example is a study done in 2009 at North Carolina Central University, where they found that students’ perceived skills were considerably greater than their actual skills as measured by an online computer assessment. 09/11/2018 eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013
Benefits of Testing Accurate assessment of technology skills Identifies knowledge gaps Provides means for placing students based on skill level Offers meaningful input for course content changes Confirms graduating students are leaving with necessary skills Identifies students lacking skills to be successful in online courses Reduces the number of poor experiences for both instructors and students Testing is a reliable (consistently grading test takers at the right level) and valid (having been through a rigorous test design, pretesting, and piloting stage) means for assessing students Gauges whether incoming students have the technology skills to be successful in school and beyond and where there are knowledge gaps Allows institutions to require training or courses for students who don’t meet a minimum standard Advanced students can skip courses they have already mastered Courses can be modified to focus on areas where student knowledge is lacking and minimize instruction where it isn’t needed Confirms graduating students are leaving with necessary skills Educators teaching online courses can focus on course content rather than technical support Reduces the number of poor experiences for both instructors and students 09/11/2018 eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013
Testing: When & Who (College students) Outcomes All incoming students After acceptance, prior to starting Gauge skills of incoming class Determine trends from year to year Determine placement for computer courses All graduating students Prior to graduation Gauge skills of outgoing class Confirm minimum level of knowledge exists Withhold graduation if skills lacking Students required to take introductory computer course Prior to course Placement in course that meets skill level Opportunity for advanced students to test out of course Modification of course content to best meet overall needs of incoming class Students taking online course Must pass test to register for online course Suggestions for areas to study 09/11/2018 eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013
You’ve Decided to Test. Now What? Plan for Test Creation What content do we want to cover? What departments need to be involved? Who will create the test, select the questions? Scoring & Outcomes What will be a passing score? Will we allow advanced students to test out? Will we offer remedial training for those below passing scores? 09/11/2018 eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013
You’ve Decided to Test. Now What? Determine Test Location & Process Where will we give the test? Onsite? Online? When will we give the test? Who will take the test Can students take the test more than once? How much time will they have to complete the test? Will it be a proctored exam? How will we register students? Pre-register? Register at time of test? 09/11/2018 eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013
You’ve Decided to Test. Now What? Student Communication When and how do we notify students of their results? Budget & Fees How do we cover the cost of testing? Do we charge students a separate fee or include it in other fees like student tech fee? Choose a testing solution? 09/11/2018 eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013
Selecting an Assessment Tool – What to Consider? Ease of use for educators How easy is it to create a test? How easy is it to administer the test? How easy is it to interpret the results? Ease of use for students Ease of registration? Is the interface intuitive? 09/11/2018 eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013
Selecting an Assessment Tool – What to Consider? Flexibility How many pre-set questions are available? How many types of questions are there? Can you add your own questions? Grading and scores How are the grades recorded? Integration with LMS? How are students notified? 09/11/2018 eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013
Selecting an Assessment Tool – What to Consider? Cheating prevention What options are available? Reporting Are there standard reports? Can you create custom reports? How are students notified? Affordability How much is the tool for the institution? How much for students? 09/11/2018 eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013
Introducing Now I want to tell you about a specific tool, the eLab Skills Evaluation Tool from Labyrinth Learning. There are other options, but I have found this one to be a very easy to use and affordable tool that gives me everything I was looking for to create, administer and grade tests that accurately evaluate computer knowledge. I’m going to go through a few of the features that I like, and then I’m going to turn it over to Jason Favro for a quick demonstration.
Key Features – eLab Skills Evaluation Tool Comprehensive Question Library More than 2000 questions Introductory to advanced topics Computer concepts, Windows, the internet, email, and Microsoft Office applications. Select a standard computer basics test, or customize by choosing the number of questions in each area and the individual questions to be used eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013 09/11/2018
Key Features – eLab Skills Evaluation Tool Highly Realistic Testing Environment Simulation questions as well as true/false, multiple choice, matching, and sequence questions. Simulation questions allow multiple paths to reach the answer, giving students full opportunity to demonstrate their skills. eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013 09/11/2018
Key Features – eLab Skills Evaluation Tool Flexible, Online Access You choose location. Web-based tests can be done anywhere at any online computer You choose time. Schedule tests for any time period – before students arrive, start of course, upon completion of course. You choose how long students have to take the test. You choose whether students can take tests once or multiple times eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013 09/11/2018
Key Features – eLab Skills Evaluation Tool Built-in Fraud Protection Scramble exam questions Randomly select questions for each student Feedback and Reports Group and individual reports You choose whether to provide instant results or notify students at a later time eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013 09/11/2018
Key Features – eLab Skills Evaluation Tool Registration Pre-registration by batch Onsite registration Online registration Proven Platform eLab Assessment & Learning Management platform has been serving educators and institutions since 2009. eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013 09/11/2018
Demo Jason to do the demo eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013 09/11/2018
Key Features – eLab Skills Evaluation Tool License Keys # of Keys Price 1-59136-408-6 25 $135 1-59136-409-4 100 $480 1-59136-410-8 250 $1,050 1-59136-411-6 500 $1,800 1-59136-412-4 1000 $3,000 Affordability Per student license fees as low as $3 Licenses are active for period of 120 days No limit on the number of exams or practice tests for each student eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013 09/11/2018
Summary Digital Literacy skills are critical for all students Testing incoming and outgoing students provides a valid means of gauging computer skills and enabling institutions to take actions based on skill levels eLab Skills Evaluation Tool is an affordable, flexible solution for institutions seeking a testing solution eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013 09/11/2018
For more information on eLab SET: Questions? Savitha Pinnepalli, B.E., M.E.,M.S. Assistant Professor, Computer Science River Parishes Community College For more information on eLab SET: Jason Favro, Product Development Manager Labyrinth Learning eLab SET – Savitha Pinnepalli- Innovayions 2013 09/11/2018