CAS CS112 Intro to CS II w/ C++ Data Structures in C++
General info Instructor: TF: Course page: Gene Itkis ( Office Hours: Tue 12:30-2:30pm, Thur 9:30-10:30am (or by appointment) TF: Course page: Also found from the CS dept. courses page 11/9/2018 Gene Itkis, CS112
Prerequisites CS111 or equivalent UNIX Advice: do not skip over cs111 Ability to edit, compile, debug, etc. on local system You can write your programs anywhere, but they must run on CSA (they’ll be tested/graded there) Some UNIX review will be provided in the labs; see also tutorials in IT 11/9/2018 Gene Itkis, CS112
Warning Fast pace Expect (plan for!!!) heavy workload Challenging but rewarding The 1st Principle of Programming: It always takes longer! 11/9/2018 Gene Itkis, CS112
Info sources WEB page Book and book webpage: Book and book webpage: Lab sections Office hours, email – mailing list: csmail cs112a1 For personal mail remember: there are ~40 of you, 2 of us. So please do not take it personally in case of delays. 11/9/2018 Gene Itkis, CS112
Collaboration NO!!! Discussing concepts and ideas, as well as system features is OK Always give credit when using someone else’s work See web page for more details 11/9/2018 Gene Itkis, CS112
Grading Approximately: 50% - written assignments 10% - quiz 15% - midterm 25% - final also accounted: class participation, attendance, extra credits, etc Performance and self-monitoring: see course page for details! 11/9/2018 Gene Itkis, CS112
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