Endangered Ocean Animals By: Hayleigh Wilson
Hector’s dolphin 7,400 believed to be alive in the coastal waters off New Zealand listed by the IUCN as a "red list" endangered species Why Hector's dolphins are in trouble: Bycatch, pollutants and boat disturbance.
Loggerhead sea turtle Fishing gear is the sea turtles' worst enemy loss of habitat and climate change also play a large role in putting these species in jeopardy The loggerhead is one of the many species of sea turtles that are endangered
Manatee The sea’s gentle giant A vegetarian Fewer than 3,000 in existence Largest population of manatee is in Florida Human pollution plays a large role in the endangerment of these sea animals
Southern Sea Otter While Northern Sea Otters have an impressive population of roughly 77,000, fewer than 3,000 Southern Sea Otters live off the coast of California. The biggest threats to sea otters came in the past, when the fur trade caused their numbers to drop drastically from more than 1 million to fewer than 2,000. Threats today include oil spills, habitat loss, loss of food, disease, entanglement in fishing gear and conflict with other ocean animals.
Gray Whale Known for their dorsal humps instead of fins these 50-foot whales are also notable for their moans, and other vocalizations Centuries of excessive fishing have left these beautiful animals almost extinct Today, gray whales are protected by law Hopefully we can see an increase in gray whale population
Cape Penguin Penguin breeds in Africa Known for their loud call donkey- like call (referred to as donkey penguins) Loss of nesting sites, oil spills and food loss due to overfishing are a major threat to cape penguins
How can we help? Raise awareness! Clean up mother earth! The more information you have, the more you’ll be able to share with others! Stay informed! Clean up mother earth! Don’t pollute! support wild life facilities/aquariums (yes, even sea world)
Other endangered Ocean animals
7 things YOU CAN DO TO SAVE THE OCEAN Reduce energy consumption Use fewer plastic products Help take care of a beach Travel the ocean responsibly Support organizations working to protect the ocean Influence change in your community
Organizations that want to save ocean life 1 Percent for the Planet 5 gyres Americas cup – healthy ocean project The aquarium of the pacific Blue ocean institute Mission blue Many others can be found here http://www.oneworldoneocean.com/pages/partners-working-together
References http://www.wonders-world.com/2010/04/13-most-endangered-sea- creatures.html http://ocean.nationalgeographic.com/ocean/take-action/10-things-you-can- do-to-save-the-ocean/ http://www.oneworldoneocean.com/pages/partners-working-together http://www.bagheera.com/inthewild/van_anim_grywhale.htm http://kidsstuffworld.com/2010/05/endangered-species-day-2010/ Google Images