2018 ASHRAE LowDown Showdown Modeling Competition 2018 Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild Title Presentation content goes here. Please feel free to use video, pictures, audio Please do not go over the number of slides here (11) they will be cut if you do. Your presentations are 10-15 minutes (still to be confirmed closer to the event) NOTE1: please leave the header on this slide you can add your title slide underneath
Project Summary Include Picture here Highlight efficiency measures Final EUI Costs and payback Occupant comfort What makes your project special? Different? Why should you win? NOTE1: before you present the audience will be told the competition rules and project description, you do not need to include these items in your presentation assume your audience will know all about the basics of the building and your goals. Concentrate on the efficiencies, software use, team work and creativity of your design Note2: Format to your choice but the “2018 ASHRAE LowDown Showdown Modelling Competition” at the bottom of this slide must remain on all slides. If it is not on your slides it will be added before you present. 2018 ASHRAE LowDown Showdown Modeling Competition
Project Summary Include Picture here Highlight efficiency measures Final EUI Costs and payback Occupant comfort What makes your project special? Different? Why should you win? 2018 ASHRAE LowDown Showdown Modeling Competition
About the Efficiency Measures Detail how you came to the final design Talk in detail about the measures that have impact on the buildings energy use Talk about how the WELL standard considerations effected your EEM choice Include details on how the software handled modelling these measures 2018 ASHRAE LowDown Showdown Modeling Competition
About the Efficiency Measures Detail how you came to the final design Talk in detail about the measures that have impact on the buildings energy use Talk about how the WELL standard considerations effected your EEM choice Include details on how the software handled modelling these measures 2018 ASHRAE LowDown Showdown Modeling Competition
About the Efficiency Measures Detail how you came to the final design Talk in detail about the measures that have impact on the buildings energy use Talk about how the WELL standard considerations effected your EEM choice Include details on how the software handled modelling these measures 2018 ASHRAE LowDown Showdown Modeling Competition
Incorporating WELL measures Talk about how you considered the WELL measures What were the difficulties, could they be modelled in the software? Did you have trouble meeting the standards What happened to the energy use, comfort considerations of the occupants Were there extra costs Was it clear how to incorporate them into the design 2018 ASHRAE LowDown Showdown Modeling Competition
Special Measures Describe the two extra novel items that you included in your building If you could model them in the software explain how you did this Explain why you chose these and the advantages to the building / occupants you think they might have 2018 ASHRAE LowDown Showdown Modeling Competition
Special Measures Describe the two extra novel items that you included in your building If you could model them in the software explain how you did this Explain why you chose these and the advantages to the building / occupants you think they might have 2018 ASHRAE LowDown Showdown Modeling Competition
Team Work Talk about your team and how they worked together Did you have any special skills / issues / divided opinions 2018 ASHRAE LowDown Showdown Modeling Competition
Results Summary IP SI Total Energy Use [kBtu - kWh] Total Water Use [gal - Liter] Total PV Production Use [kBtu - kWh] Total Energy & Water Cost [$] Total EUI [kBtu/ft2 – kWh/m2] Total Energy Cost [$/ft2 - $/m2] The metrics for the table above come directly from your input spreadsheet, both units will be available in the spreadsheet, please fill out the table as it is on the slide here. 2018 ASHRAE LowDown Showdown Modeling Competition
What makes your design amazing why should you win? Conclusion What makes your design amazing why should you win? 2018 ASHRAE LowDown Showdown Modeling Competition