COMP 101 Introduction
The Team
The Website
The Class
How a Computer Works It is actually a very simple machine: It executes exactly what it is told to do Rather like Forrest Gump
Seriously, … Computers Execute algorithms Need to be told what to do And to whom to do it
Algorithm Just a recipe What do recipes do? Steps Tests Repetitions
What is the Internet? The machines The connections The content
The Internet in 1980
The Internet Circa 1998
What made the Internet succeed? Early users shared information Command lines 1993: Browser invented! Mosaic Marc Andressen Brought Graphical Interface Easy access No technical skill needed
Viewing a Web Page Server Web Server Pages SERVER web page repository WEB PAGE instructions stores information and instructions BROWSER retrieves web page and follows instructions 2 1 3 Client Browser
Viewing a Web Page Server Web Server Pages SERVER web page repository WEB PAGE instructions stores information and instructions BROWSER retrieves web page and follows instructions 2 1 3 Client Browser
What is http and https? HyperText Transfer Protocol Protocol: set of rules Transfer: move it from one place to another Hypertext: the essence of the web – the links HTTPS is the secure version Tells the browser that it has to go to the internet to find it
Retrieving a web page That’s a file You type the URL How does your computer find it? Up to the first slash is the SERVER name Everything after that is folders until the last one That’s a file
Routing: Getting to the Server Server names don’t tell me where anything is They DO tell me who gave them the name organization that manages edu gave the university unc Unc gave the department cs Translate the name to a number called the IP address Example: Each value ranges from 0 to 255! Translation is done through a table called the Domain Name System (DNS)
Browser Instructions
What do the instructions look like Open Chrome We want to look at a page View Page Source Only TEXT Even though the page has a picture on it!
Web Instructions: Three Legs HTML Content CSS Presentation JavaScript Behavior
Creating HTML All we have to do is edit a page CANNOT use a word processor Word, Pages, Writer Why? They add all sorts of gorp Do NOT need special software We WILL use it: Komodo Editor It HELPS