Tosheka fire safety system
Do not Let A False Sense of “Security” Cause your Family to be a Fire Victim There is one common denominator in homes in Kenya, whether your home is a mansion or a made of mud, they do not have fire warning or fire extinguishing equipment.
A Typical cause of Fire is over loaded extension cords caused by insufficient wiring & plugs
Fire Happens at any time and any in place
Owners of Buildings and residences in Kenya often boast that their properties are Safe, Secure and “Fire Proof”. The concrete , stone construction and the steel window bars and grills are well suited to secure the building structure but not the people or contents.
Most people do not realize that the content of their homes, drapes, furniture etc. are the fuel for the fire. Fires to often start at night when residences are asleep and most venerable.
By the time there are flames the smoke has already reached a level that will stop you from breathing and blind you so that you can not escape. Additionally, your options for escape are limited because all the windows and doors are bared or locked.
Also, there are a very limited number of fire stations and vehicles available. Issues of lack of equipment and water pressure are also common. The distance and traffic the fire rescue vehicles may encounter are common safety barriers.
As you can see steel window bars and door grill give a false sense of security and in the case of fire become a deadly hazard for your escape.
Properly located Smoke detectors will make you and the family aware of the fire before it gets out of control.
The proper and adequate fire extinguishers on site give you the opportunity to escape or a fighting chance to put out a fire.
The recent rash of School Fires, tragic Loss of lives, and tremendous property damage has highlighted the neglect and “False Sense of “Security” that we operate under.
From our residents to our schools, hospitals, public buildings, offices, markets and work places, we have neglected to provide the most basic fire warning as well as fire extinguishing equipment.
Tosheka Products are dedicated to Preserving the Lives, Health, and Safety of Kenyans and Providing Business Opportunities and Employment.
Tosheka Products and services provide direct solutions, systems, installations and technology to address the life, health and safety issues facing Kenyans on a daily basis.
Fire Safety Systems and equipment: Tosheka principle has over 40 years of residential and commercial experience in designing and installing fire alarm and safety systems.
We are capable of supplying and installing all levels of fire alarm systems. We work with architects and engineers to design comprehensive fire systems or providing basic systems and equipment for residences.
Tosheka fire prevention products ensure that your future and health are secure. VS
Let Tosheka Fire Safety System provide your family, home and business the comfort and real security they deserve.