2/22 & 2/23 - 7th Grade Agenda Collect HW: Reading & Notetaking p. 129 – 132 Rock Cycle Science Fair Presentations (50 Points) Video: PBS Evolution Video: Science in Action: Fossils Text Book Reading: 268 – 271 HW: Reading & Notetaking p. 133 – 134 Reminder: Chap 7 Test on 2/24 & 2/25
Reflection Prompt: Pick an animal that is alive today and draw and describe what it might evolve into in 10 million years.
Reflection Prompt: Write 5 facts that you learned during the Science Fair Presentations.
What are the Three Types of Rocks?
Rock Cycle
Scientists who study fossils are called…. Paleontologists
Fossils in which minerals replace all or part of an organism is called… Petrified Fossils
What is relative age of a rock? The relative age of a rock is its age compared to the ages of other rocks
What is the absolute age of a rock? The absolute age of a rock is the number years since the rock was created.
Which layer is the oldest layer of rock? Bottom Layer is the Oldest Layer Law of superposition: In horizontal sedimentary rock layer the oldest layer is at the bottom. Each higher layer is younger than the layers below it.