DSPS New Directors Training September 19-21, 2018 Day Three


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Presentation transcript:

DSPS New Directors Training September 19-21, 2018 Day Three California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Student Services & Special Programs Division Disabled Student Programs & Services

Day Three Agenda (hyperlinked to section) Time Presentation Presenter 9:00 – 9:30 SSARCC Demonstration Todd Hoig 9:30 – 10:30 Hands-on SSARCC Session All 10:30 – 10:45 Break 10:45 – 11:30 CAPED Mentorship Program Lucinda Aborn 11:30 – 12:00 Getting the Support you Need: Resources DSPS Solutions 12:00-1:00 Optional Extra Support (Grab and Go Lunch)

SSARCC Student Services Automated Reporting for Community Colleges Presenter: Todd Hoig Director, MIS Data Management

What is SSARCC? SSARCC = Student Services Automated Reporting for Community Colleges A web-based computer application used to construct and retain key Chancellor’s Office budget documents (such as EOY expenditure reports for DSPS and budgets and final expenditures for other categorical programs)

Purpose of SSARCC Make it easier for college program staff to complete budget plans and expenditure reports Allow for more efficient review time by Chancellor’s Office Allow Chancellor’s Office to have electronic access to statewide expenditure data Enable reporting of expenditure data at State and local level

SSARCC Scope Current Future EOPS/CARE budget plan and final expenditures Financial Aid final expenditures CalWORKs budget plan and final expenditures DSPS final expenditures Future Extend project to other Student Services programs: Foster & Kinship Care Education Student Success and Support Program


Send questions, comments, feedback to: SSARCC Contact Information Send questions, comments, feedback to: ssarcc-dsps@cccco.edu

Hands-on SSARCC Session Facilitator: Linda Vann Chancellor’s Office, DSPS Specialist

Break Be back by 10:45

CAPED Mentorship Program Presenter: Dr. Lucinda Aborn Coordinator, CAPED Mentorship Program

Why Join CMP? Professional Development opportunities to learn DSPS regulations and best practices Participate in learning experiences to expand and enhance your effectiveness as a DSPS program leader Identify resources and other professionals who can assist you in managing your program Network with other DSPS Directors across the state Stay current in legal mandates, funding and MIS changes

Additional Benefits of CMP Access to a personalized support system across the state for new directors Support of the CAPED organization and it’s resources Collaboration and support of DSPS Solutions for additional resources

What’s Involved? Willingness to make a commitment to be actively involved: Make monthly contact with your Mentor for nine months Meet your Mentor at the CMP “Kick-off” Dinner – October 18 at the CAPED Convention Participate in two “face-to-face” trainings (February and April) Spend one hour per month participating in an “on-line” professional development course

Insight from Past Participants Former protégés share their experience

How Do I Join? No money required, only your time Thank you! Chancellor’s Office and Linda Vann Complete the form and submit Participate in CAPED professional development activities

CAPED Mentorship Program Contact Info CMP Coordinator, Dr. Lucinda Aborn Cell Phone: (310) 989-2656 Email: capedmentorshipprogram@gmail.com

Getting the Support You Need: Resources Presenters: DSPS Solutions

Available Resources DSPS Grant Resources SIP Resources PADS Online Education Initiative National Deaf Center for Postsecondary Outcomes CCCCO Website Student Mental Health Program (CCCCO SMHP) CAPED

DSPS Solutions / Interwork Institute DSPS Solutions – The Technical Assistance (TA) provider for DSPS programs in the California Community College System, including: Website: DSPS Solutions website Website updated regularly with a variety of training and resource information: CCCCO Trainings (New Directors, All Directors, Special Trainings…) Resources (Chancellor’s Office information; laws and regulations, including Title 5 support; OCR and legal rulings; DSPS program management; DSPS service delivery; Alternate media…) Directories (for all DSPS related groups, including DSPS Coordinators Directory) Latest News; Hot Topics; Jobs…

DSPS Solutions / Interwork Institute Continued Technical Assistance Support and how to access it: Individual TA: This is provided via email or phone. Questions range from best practices, to urgencies related to accommodations, to budget and staffing issues and more. If you have a question, we are here to support you. Can be reached at DSPSsolutions@interwork.sdsu.edu (best) Via the website at Contact Us Toll-free at 877-472-5892 (a message phone; we will call you back) Or contact one of the consultants directly Group TA: This on-site support is provided to individual colleges; to find out more, visit the Technical Assistance section of the DSPS Solutions website.

DSPS Grant Resources Alternate Text Production Center (ATPC) Distance Education Captioning and Transcription (DECT)

ATPC A San Bernardino Community College District grant Physically located in Camarillo, CA Project Director: Jeff Baugher Objective: To provide quality Braille, E-text and Tactile Graphics production and alternate media support at no cost to the colleges. Website: ATPC

DECT A Santa Clarita Community College District grant Physically located at the College of the Canyons Project Director: James Glapa-Grossklag Objective: To provide quality captioning and transcription services for instructional content used in a Distance Ed or hybrid course delivery mode. Website: DECT

SIP Grants Shared Infrastructure Program (SIP) is a grant created by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office This grant is administered by Butte-Glenn Community College District It includes the following DSPS related grants: California Community Colleges (CCC) Accessibility Center High Tech Center Training Unit (HTCTU) Both grants are managed by Sean Keegan, who can be reached by email at: skeegan@ccctechcenter.org

CCC Accessibility Center The CCC Accessibility center is committed to informing and supporting California community colleges in building an accessible information and communication technology (ICT) environment for current and prospective students, faculty, staff, and members of the public. The Accessibility Center facilitates and coordinates the work of systemwide ICT accessibility by: Understanding current ICT accessibility demands Promoting ICT accessibility awareness Publishing ICT accessibility best practices Website: CCC Accessibility Center

HTCTU The High Tech Center Training Unit (HTCTU) provides training, technical assistance and support in the areas of web accessibility, alternate media production and assistive technology. It maintains the DSPS listserv Mailing List on its homepage, at the bottom of the page. Be sure to visit this site to sign up for listservs that are applicable to your practice, including DSPS Directors Listserv and others, including your region’s DSPS listserv. Website: HTCTU

PADS Program Accountability Development Services (PADS) A Yosemite Community College District contract (fiscal agent) Physically located in Modesto, CA Objective – to provide support and funding for special projects to assist the DSPS program

PADS Special Projects DSPS Solutions – Interwork CAPED Mentoring Program Workability III Reviews Learning Ally statewide membership UCLA Tarjan Center (Intellectual Disabilities Support) LD / CARS-W support (Learning Disabilities) Travel and support for statewide advisory groups

CAPED Mentorship Program (CMP) One-year mentorship program that matches first-year coordinators/ directors with experienced coordinators/directors within a structured professional development program Sponsored by California Association for Postsecondary Education (CAPED), which serves as the statewide association and resource for postsecondary disability service providers. For more information, contact Dr. Lucinda Aborn at capedmentorshipprogram@gmail.com

For more information contact: Learning Ally Learning Ally provides an online library of 80,000 accessible audio textbooks and literature titles California Community College’s have free access to Learning Ally’s audiobook library There is no limit on Student Accounts or audiobooks added Free Software for PC, MAC, iOS, and Android Login for California Community Colleges: www.learningally.org/cacolleges For more information contact: Rheaa Thompson rthompson@learningally.org (512) 351-4817

Learning Disabilities: CARS-W support All currently certified CCC LD Specialists may receive authorization to utilize the CARS-W system to input information into our system to determine eligibility for DSPS services based upon having a learning disability.  The CCCCO, DSPS Office must grant permission for users to gain access. Download the authorization form and send it to Elena Alcala at the Chancellor’s Office.

Online Education Initiative (OEI) California Community Colleges grant-funded initiative Director of Accessibility and User Experience Jay Field Email: jfield@ccconlineed.org Website: Online Education Initiative

Sidekick Sidekick, sponsored by California Community Colleges, brings together six free resources, providing you with the tools you need to create inspiring and engaging content that meets the needs of diverse audiences and ever-changing regulations. Contact information for the six free resources, including: 3C Media CCC Confer @One ATPC HTCTU DECT

National Deaf Center for Postsecondary Outcomes The National Deaf Center for Postsecondary Outcomes replaced pepnet2, which was administered by California State University, Northridge. It has been administered by the University of Texas, Austin since 2016. The project provides extensive information and support regarding the deaf community and serving this population in higher education. Website: National Deaf Center

Chancellor’s Office Website Home Page Portal for CCCCO California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Systems Operations Datamart Student Success and Support Program Student Success Initiative Student Success Scorecard

Chancellor’s Office DSPS Website Home page portal for CCCCO DSPS Some key things you’ll need to be able to find Allocations Reports, Resources, Data, and Forms Use horizontal menu bar to select your choice Many resources are on the DSPS home page Archives SSARCC Login Page (You do not need a login to access the Reports tab)

CCCCO Mental Health Program Student Mental Health Program: Training and Technical Assistance for California Community Colleges Website (great resource for programs and training) Contact: Colleen Ganley 916.323.3865 cganley@cccco.edu

Wrap-Up and Q & A

From Your Training Team Congratulations to all on your new positions! It’s been a true pleasure to work with you this week, and remember, We are here to support you!