Sermon at the Temple.


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Presentation transcript:

Sermon at the Temple

How to feel joy and become more like Father The Higher Law How to feel joy and become more like Father

3 Nephi 13

Let’s go Fishin’! From your section: Find a principle or main point of the scripture verses. Important to a teenager Scripture – find a scripture (DM or other one) that relates to these verses Hymn – choose a hymn that relates After each section presents their mini-lesson, be sure to sing 1 verse of whatever hymn they selected before moving on to the next group

3 Nephi 13:1-4 Find a principle or main point of the scripture verses. Important to a teenager Scripture – find a scripture (DM or other one) that relates to these verses Hymn – choose a hymn that relates SCRIPTURE BLOCK: 3 Nephi 13:1-4 Find a principle or main point of the scripture verses. What are your scripture verses about? Important to a teenager – Why would this be important for you to know today and apply to your life? Scripture – find a scripture (DM or other one) that relates to these verses. Hymn – choose a hymn that relates

3 Nephi 13:5-8 Find a principle or main point of the scripture verses. Important to a teenager Scripture – find a scripture (DM or other one) that relates to these verses Hymn – choose a hymn that relates SCRIPTURE BLOCK: 3 Nephi 13:5-8 Find a principle or main point of the scripture verses. What are your scripture verses about? Important to a teenager – Why would this be important for you to know today and apply to your life? Scripture – find a scripture (DM or other one) that relates to these verses. Hymn – choose a hymn that relates NOTES: What do you think it means to pray using vain repetitions? (Vain means empty or pointless. To pray using vain repetitions is to repeat the same prayer or the same words within a prayer in a thoughtless manner.) Why do you think it is important to avoid vain repetitions in our prayers? What are some things you do to avoid vain repetitions as you pray?

3 Nephi 13:9-15 Find a principle or main point of the scripture verses. Important to a teenager Scripture – find a scripture (DM or other one) that relates to these verses Hymn – choose a hymn that relates SCRIPTURE BLOCK: 3 Nephi 13:9-15 Find a principle or main point of the scripture verses. What are your scripture verses about? Important to a teenager – Why would this be important for you to know today and apply to your life? Scripture – find a scripture (DM or other one) that relates to these verses. Hymn – choose a hymn that relates NOTES: What did the Savior teach in His example of prayer that can help us avoid hypocrisy?

3 Nephi 13:16-18 Find a principle or main point of the scripture verses. Important to a teenager Scripture – find a scripture (DM or other one) that relates to these verses Hymn – choose a hymn that relates SCRIPTURE BLOCK: 3 Nephi 13:16-18 Find a principle or main point of the scripture verses. What are your scripture verses about? Important to a teenager – Why would this be important for you to know today and apply to your life? Scripture – find a scripture (DM or other one) that relates to these verses. Hymn – choose a hymn that relates

3 Nephi 13:19-21 Find a principle or main point of the scripture verses. Important to a teenager Scripture – find a scripture (DM or other one) that relates to these verses Hymn – choose a hymn that relates SCRIPTURE BLOCK: 3 Nephi 13:19-21 Find a principle or main point of the scripture verses. What are your scripture verses about? Important to a teenager – Why would this be important for you to know today and apply to your life? Scripture – find a scripture (DM or other one) that relates to these verses. Hymn – choose a hymn that relates NOTES: What are some examples of treasures on earth (or things that do not last) and treasures in heaven (or blessings that can last forever)? How are treasures on earth different from treasures in heaven? Is there an example from your life of a treasure on earth or a treasure in heaven?

3 Nephi 13:24 Find a principle or main point of the scripture verses. Important to a teenager Scripture – find a scripture (DM or other one) that relates to these verses Hymn – choose a hymn that relates SCRIPTURE BLOCK: 3 Nephi 13:24 Find a principle or main point of the scripture verses. What are your scripture verses about? Important to a teenager – Why would this be important for you to know today and apply to your life? Scripture – find a scripture (DM or other one) that relates to these verses. Hymn – choose a hymn that relates NOTES: “mammon” means worldly things or riches. OBJECT LESSON IDEA You could write God on a piece of paper and place it on one side of the room. Write Worldliness on another piece of paper and put it on the other side of the room. Ask a student to stand and face the paper labeled “God”. Next, have the student turn and face the paper “worldliness”. Invite the student to try to face both papers at the same time. How does verse 24 relate to the student’s attempt to face both papers at once? ACTIVITY IDEA Invite the class to stand. Read aloud the following examples, and ask students to face the side of the classroom that represents the master they think the person is serving—God or Worldliness (mammon). Ask students to explain why they chose to turn the way they did. A young man declines a job that would require him to miss his Sunday meetings and instead chooses a lower-paying job that does not require him to miss his meetings. A young woman frequently complains to her parents about her need for new clothes. The clothes she desires to purchase cost more than her family can afford. A young man pays his tithing regularly with the money he receives from his job. However, he uses all of his remaining income to purchase entertainment items, including some inappropriate movies and songs, and has saved no money to pay for a mission or education. A young woman frequently uses some of her income to purchase small gifts to show love for others.

3 Nephi 13:31-33 Find a principle or main point of the scripture verses. Important to a teenager Scripture – find a scripture (DM or other one) that relates to these verses Hymn – choose a hymn that relates SCRIPTURE BLOCK: 3 Nephi 13:31-33 Find a principle or main point of the scripture verses. What are your scripture verses about? Important to a teenager – Why would this be important for you to know today and apply to your life? Scripture – find a scripture (DM or other one) that relates to these verses. Hymn – choose a hymn that relates NOTES: In 3 Nephi 13:25-30, Jesus Christ instructed His twelve disciples not to worry about their temporal needs for food and clothing. Though these instructions were specifically given to the Twelve, we can apply the principles generally. How can realizing that God knows our needs help us? What did Jesus promise those who put God and His kingdom first in their lives? What are some ways we can choose to put Heavenly Father and the Savior above our temporal needs and interests? QUOTE President Ezra Taft Benson “When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives. Our love of the Lord will govern the claims for our affection, the demands on our time, the interests we pursue, and the order of our priorities. … “We should give God, the Father of our spirits, an exclusive preeminence in our lives” (Ezra Taft Benson, “The Great Commandment—Love the Lord,” Ensign, May 1988, 4, 5).

Tomorrow: 3 Nephi 14