Visualize Streaming Big Data Through Augmented Reality By Ron Brooks, Victor Orellana, Sean Saffan Matt Alyward (HS Intern) Dr. Sara North, Research Project Mentor
Why this project? To develop a prototype to visualize data in a new way In augmented reality on the HoloLens or an Android device To create a tool for analyzing security risks within a network could potentially be used to locate an attacking computer To develop applications for an emerging technology HoloLens and other forms of Augmented/Mixed Reality CS 4850 Senior Project
Purpose To create a prototype augmented reality (AR) application for the visualization of streamed data of networked devices. This visualization will be formed using information such as the IP and MAC addresses of machines connected to the network, their location, and the potential security risks that they pose to the network. CS 4850 Senior Project
Methods Developing a prototype that will include research in Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) technology in tandem with cyber security and big data visualization. Human cognitive limitations in terms of Big Data Visualization. Applying AR/VR opportunities towards Big Data Visualization. Challenges and benefits of the proposed visualization approach. Formed using information such as the IP and MAC addresses that connect to the network for potential security risks that they pose to the network. CS 4850 Senior Project
Outcomes An augmented reality application for the HoloLens and Android that can: Visualize a multilayered interface of streaming data Enhance comprehension of data with a more intuitive interface Support further development in AR visualization of big data CS 4850 Senior Project
Team Member Responsibilities Ron Brooks Software: visualization of data using Unity Software and Hardware: Deployment of the application to the HoloLens Victor Orellana Research: Literature review and contribute to research paper Software: Assist in software development Sean Saffan Documentation: Documentation and organization of project Software: network analysis and data collection Mat Alyward Research: Organize and format data and contribute to research paper Software: Assist in software development CS 4850 Senior Project
Requirements Hardware Technologies: Software – Cross-Paltform (IDEs): Microsoft HoloLens Mobile Devices Management (MDM) for HoloLEns Android Tablet S2 Device 32GB Laptop - Windows 10 Software – Cross-Paltform (IDEs): Select Apps to install and set security configurations Visual Studio & Andriod Studio 2017 Unity technology, cross-platform 3-d simulation game engine Software CS 4850 Senior Project
Project Plan Phase 0 - (Optional) - Simplified Prototype A simplified prototype of the final product to test for areas that will need more attention in later development Phase 1 - Develop a program to analyze a network and obtain data A program that scans a network and collects data Phase 2 - Develop a visualization in Unity A program that takes the collected data and creates a visualization of it in Unity Phase 3 - Deploy to the HoloLens and Android Have working versions of the application on the HoloLens and an Android device CS 4850 Senior Project
Timeline CS 4850 Senior Project
References Microsoft Hololens (2017) Development Edition Virtual Reality Headset, Olshannikova, E., Ometov, A., Koucheryavy, Y., Olsson, T. (2015). Visualizing Big Data with augmented and virtual reality: challenges and research agenda, Journal of Big Data, 1-27. CS 4850 Senior Project