Prenatal Brain Development Animation: From Conception to Birth


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Presentation transcript:

Prenatal Brain Development Animation: From Conception to Birth This animation shows brain development from conception through birth. A macro view focuses on the brain as the embryo grows into a recognizable human form. The neural tube develops; the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain appear; the cerebral cortex grows to cover the midbrain; and gyri and sulci form over the brain surface to house the cells forming during neurogenesis.

Prenatal Brain Development Animation: From Conception to Birth The micro view shows neurogenesis, or neural migration, in which new nerve cells are formed; synaptogenesis, in which synapses proliferate in the brain so that impulses can travel from nerve cell to nerve cell, and synaptic pruning, in which synapses are destroyed to create a more efficiently working neural network. Import video number 013_02prenatalbraindev.mpg here. Instructions for importing these files can be found in the ‘Readme’ on this CD-ROM