ESF Committee Ad-Hoc Group on the Future of the ESF


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Presentation transcript:

ESF Committee Ad-Hoc Group on the Future of the ESF 18 May 2010 Mrs Hélène CLARK, Director DG Education and Culture, European Commission

The Lifelong Learning Programme … fosters mobility and co-operation among E&T institutions in participating countries Duration: January 2007 – December 2013 Budget: € 7 billion Participating countries in 2010: 27 EU-Member States + Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Turkey. Croatia and Switzerland from 2011. FYROM under preparatory measures.

THE E&T STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK 2010 - 2020 Four broad priorities: Lifelong learning and mobility Quality and efficiency of E&T Equity, social cohesion and active citizenship Creativity and innovation, incl. entrepreneurship

Benchmarks, process and progress 2003: 5 benchmarks for 2010 2010: education and training systems improve slowly Only one of 5 benchmarks reached (MST graduates) Low achievers: decline in performance

The Lifelong Learning Programme Comenius School education 16% Erasmus Higher education & advanced training 46,5% Leonardo da Vinci Vocational education and training 25,5% Grundtvig Adult education 4,5% Transversal Programme 5% 4 key activities: Policy Cooperation ~ Languages ~ ICT ~ Dissemination and exploitation of results Jean Monnet Programme 2,5%

The Lifelong Learning Programme LLP expenditure by action type 2007 and 2008 Other, 8% Mobility, 60% Multilateral projects and networks, 15% Partnerships and joint educational projects, 17%

Some key output data LLP 2007-2008 380.000 HE students placed in universities of firms abroad 114.000 VET students placed abroad 120.000 staff, teachers, education specialists given experience abroad Thousands of schools involved in transnational patnerships 1200 transnational projects/networks

Points of overlaps between ESF and LLP They are relatively limited and include primarily: support to transnational mobility in some Member States transnational cooperation and exchanges of good practices in cases where ESF or ERDF programmes provide for such cooperation.

Objectives for next E&T programme (2014-2020) Substantial increase in mobility, esp. for HE students, VET, teacher&trainers, less advantaged youth (YoM) Opening of the programme to new partners for business and civil society Continued support for E&T OMC, e.g. EU tools (EQF, ECVET, Europass…) More integrated approach with Youth in Action and international cooperation programmes in E&T Better synergy with other funds

How to strengthen synergies and complementarities? 1) Could ESF cover learning mobility of certain target groups not covered by LLP ? 2) Could ESF help increase the number of mobility grants ? 3) Could ESF co-finance sustainable structures/networks/platforms to support mobility ?