1-what do you expect about the growth of a young child with liver disease? Why?
2-Is GH is an effective way of treatment in this case? Why?
3- Name this type? 4- what is D.D of short stature? How can you differentiate?
5- what is loran dwarfism?
Case 1 43 years old attended to outpatient clinic complaining of progressive weakness with inability to carry heavy objects he can previously carry with abnormal growth of the hands
there is parathesia in his hands. . The patient has coarse features
Go to case 2- what are the features that may be found in this patient? 1- what is the probable diagnosis? Why? 2- what are the features that may be found in this patient? 3- How can you confirm your diagnosis? 4- How you explain the presence of parathesia? 5- what are the investigations which may be needed? Go to case
6- why is the growth hormone a diabetogenic hormone ?
Case 2
1 -what are the most likely diagnosis? 2- How could you explain the increased bone thickness & increased height in this patient? 3- why did the power of the muscle decrease later?
4- what are the lines of ttt in this case? 5- what is your comment on FBS? 6- Explain the presence of visual field defect? name this defect?
Case 3
Thank you