HUMAN EVOLUTION Option D.3 IB Biology Miss Werba
THINGS TO COVER Absolute dating using radioisotopes Major physical features that define humans as primates Trends in fossils of Australopithecus and Homo Coexistance of species of the family Hominidae Incompleteness of the fossil record Correlation between the change in diet & increased brain size in hominid evolution Difference between cultural & genetic evolution J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 3
RADIOACTIVE DATING Command term = OUTLINE Fossils contain isotopes of elements that have accumulated in the living organisms. Isotope: an atom which has a different mass to the other atoms of the element, caused by a different number of neutrons within its nucleus. If the isotopes are unstable, they will break down over time, changing into other elements and emitting radiation. This is called radioactive decay. J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 4
RADIOACTIVE DATING Command term = DEFINE Each radioactive isotope has a fixed half-life. Half-life: The time it takes for half of a radioactive isotope to decay. J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 5
RADIOACTIVE DATING Command term = OUTLINE Radiocarbon dating: Carbon-14 (14C) is an isotope of carbon (12C) The two forms are maintained in constant proportions while an organism is alive. When an organism dies, the proportion of carbon-14 begins to decrease. The proportion of carbon-14 remaining can be used to identify the age of a sample. Carbon-14 has a half life of 5,730 years Carbon-14 is therefore only useful for dating fossils up to ~60,000 years of age. J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 6
RADIOACTIVE DATING Command term = OUTLINE Potassium/Argon dating: Potassium-40 (40K) is an isotope of potassium (19K) Potassium-40 is released in lava from active volcanos As it decays, it transforms into argon-40 (a gas) Potassium-40 has a half life of 1,300 million years Potassium-40 is therefore useful for dating fossils over one million years of age. J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 7
RADIOACTIVE DATING Command term = DEDUCE Half life = the time taken for the amount of parental isotope to fall to half of its original level. The half-life of Strontium-90 is 28 years, as there is only 50% of the parental strontium-90 isotopes remaining. J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 9
THE ORDER OF THE PRIMATES Command term = DESCRIBE There are several anatomical features that define humans as primates: Opposable thumbs / grasping pentadactyl limbs Forward facing eyes/binocular vision Large brains relative to body size Flexible shoulder joints (provide large range of movement) Finger pads / nails not claws Reduced snout leading to reduced olfaction J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 10
THE ORDER OF THE PRIMATES Command term = DESCRIBE Skull adapted for upright posture rotating hand (pronation) Tailless primate Generalised dentition (different types of teeth) Slower reproduction Better visual acuity Social dependency Parental care J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 11
HOMINID FOSSILS Command term = DESCRIBE The word hominid refers to members of the family of humans, Hominidae. This family consists of all species on our side of the last common ancestor of humans and living apes, including members of the Pongo (orang utans), Gorilla, Pan (chimpanzees) and Homo (humans) genera. Homo sapiens is the only human species still in existence. The fossil record is incomplete but there is enough to give a good outline of the evolutionary history of humans. J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 12
HOMINID FOSSILS Command term = DESCRIBE You are expected to be able to describe the trends across the following species: Ardipithecus ramidus Australopithecus afarensis Australopithecus africanus Homo habilis Homo erectus Homo neanderthalensis Homo sapiens J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 13
D.3.5 14
HOMINID FOSSILS Command term = DESCRIBE Ardipithecus ramidus (Ar. ramidus): First discovered in 1994 One of the earliest fossils found so far – nicknamed “Ardi” Approx. age: 5.2–4.4 million years Distribution: Ethiopia Size: ~120 cm tall and ~50 kg Brain capacity: ~375–550cm3, about the size of a chimp Features: It was bipedal on the ground and quadrupedal in the trees. It lived in a woodland environment Diet consisted of fruit, leaves and insects J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 15
HOMINID FOSSILS Command term = DESCRIBE Australopithecus afarensis (A. afarensis): Most complete skeleton found – nicknamed “Lucy” Approx. age: 4.0–2.5 million years Distribution: Ethiopia and Tanzania (south & east Africa) Size: height ~105-151cm and weight ~29-42kg Brain capacity: ~380–430cm3 Features: It was bipedal, leaving their hands free They had an ape-like face Diet was more omnivorous J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 16
HOMINID FOSSILS Command term = DESCRIBE Australopithecus africanis (A. africanis): It is similar to A. afarensis Started moving on to the savannah and out of the trees Approx. age: 3.2–2.5 million years Distribution: south & east Africa Size: height ~115-138cm and weight ~30-41kg Brain capacity: ~435–530cm3 Features: It was bipedal Larger molars for plant based diet J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 17
HOMINID FOSSILS Command term = DESCRIBE Homo habilis (H. habilis): Nickname – the “handy man” Used stone tools Approx. age: 2.4–1.6 million years Distribution: south & east Africa Size: height ~100-135cm and weight ~32kg Brain capacity: ~700cm3 Features: Smaller teeth and jaw for meatier diet Reduced brow ridge J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 18
HOMINID FOSSILS Command term = DESCRIBE Homo erectus (H. erectus): Java man and Peking man were both H. erectus fossils Suspect that they had use of fire and very basic language Approx. age: 1.8–0.1 million years Distribution: north, south & east Africa, west & east Asia Size: height ~145-185cm and weight ~40-68kg Brain capacity: ~880cm3 Features: Thick skull bones External nose Meat a significant part of diet J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 19
HOMINID FOSSILS Command term = DESCRIBE Homo neanderthalensis (H. neanderthalensis): Nickname – “Neanderthal man” Lived in caves Approx. age: 200,000–30,000 years Distribution: Europe, west Asia Size: height ~155-164cm and weight ~54-65kg Brain capacity: ~1500cm3 J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 20
HOMINID FOSSILS Command term = DESCRIBE Homo neanderthalensis (H. neanderthalensis): Features: Neanderthals mostly lived in cold climates. Their bodies were short and solid, with short limbs – adapted to the cold. Their bones are thick and heavy, with powerful muscle attachments – they would have been very strong. A large number of tools and weapons have been found Neanderthals were good hunters. Neanderthals were the first people known to have buried their dead, indicating that they had ideas about the afterlife. J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 21
HOMINID FOSSILS Command term = DESCRIBE Homo sapiens (H. sapiens): Approx. age: 140,000 - present Distribution: worldwide Brain capacity: ~1440cm3 Features: a sharply rising forehead flatter face small eyebrow ridges a prominent chin a light bone structure J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 22
HOMINID FOSSIL TRENDS Command term = DESCRIBE More downward facing foramen magnum (bipedalism) S-shaped curvature of the spine (erect posture) Lower and broader pelvis (bipedalism) Shorter arms and longer legs (bipedalism) Increased size of heel bone and alignment of big toe (bipedalism) Flatter faces, with reduced brow ridges and jaw protrusion Larger cranial capacity with increased brain size (greater intellectual prowess) J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 23
HOMINID FOSSIL TRENDS Command term = DESCRIBE Smaller teeth and jaws more V-shaped (changing dietary requirements – more meat, less vegetation) Marked reduction in body hair Shift in muscle groups (bipedalism) J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 24
HOMINID FOSSILS Command term = DESCRIBE / STATE There are some periods of overlap! (there are also species missing from timeline that are not required for exams) H. sapiens H. neanderthalensis H. erectus H. habilis A. africanus A. afarensis Ar. ramidus 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 millions of years ago J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 25
HOMINID EVOLUTION Command term = STATE At various stages in hominid evolution, several species may have coexisted. Homo habilis may have co-existed with various species of Australopithicus Homo neanderthalensis likely co-existed with Homo sapiens Some propose that Homo sapiens hybridised with Homo neanderthalensis . J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 26
INCOMPLETENESS OF THE FOSSIL RECORD Command term = DESCRIBE Fossilization is a rare occurrence. Most components of dead organisms decompose relatively quickly following death. Fossilization tends to favour hard body parts. Exposed fossils are soon destroyed/weathered, reducing the chance of them being found; Fossilization favours species that lived for a long time. J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 27
INCOMPLETENESS OF THE FOSSIL RECORD Command term = DESCRIBE Very few fossils have been found so picture is incomplete Individual fossils may not be representative of species (ARE YOU?!?!!) Very few complete skeletons have been discovered Relies on a relatively small amount of data to draw conclusions. New discoveries regularly come to light, leading scientists to re-interpret previous assumptions in the light of the new data. J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 28
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DIET & BRAIN SIZE Command term = DISCUSS What are the benefits of a bigger brain? Higher order thinking – like planning, hunting, inventing More complex tools Mastery of fire – for cooking, warmth, protection Ability to learn and pass on knowledge to the next generation to improve survival chances J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 29
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DIET & BRAIN SIZE Command term = DISCUSS What are the costs of a bigger brain? Longer gestation period Longer period of development until they are self- sufficient Large period of brain development post-birth Energetically expensive! J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 30
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DIET & BRAIN SIZE Command term = DISCUSS Tool making first associated with H. habilis. This would have required a larger brain. Larger brain requires vast amounts of energy, creating a demand for changes in diet. Changing to a higher calorie diet may have allowed further increase in brain size. Animal tissues (meat) can provide the necessary structural lipid for human brain expansion. J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 31
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DIET & BRAIN SIZE Command term = DISCUSS As brain size increased, language and cognitive abilities also developed. Larger brain also allowed for better hunting and gathering, increasing the calorie intake even further. Changes in the dental fossil record are indirect evidence for such a change in diet. The increase in brain size in hominid fossils has been closely correlated with an increased intake of meat. J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 32
CULTURAL & GENETIC EVOLUTION Command term = DISTINGUISH Is controlled by genes. Limited by the genotypes of the populations. Controlled by natural selection and selective advantage. eg. increase in cranial capacity in hominids J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 33
CULTURAL & GENETIC EVOLUTION Command term = DISTINGUISH Cultural evolution: Based on skills/info passed from one generation to another New skills/info can be transmitted between different groups It is learned/taught. It is language dependent. Only possible because of large brains of the Homo species allow for learning. Allows more rapid evolution. eg. tool making, religion, art J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 34
RECENT HUMAN EVOLUTION Command term = DISCUSS Changes in genotype have lead to cultural evolution in humans by promoting intelligent behaviour. Larger brain sizes have promoted increased learning/thinking capacity. Prolonged gestations have promoted social interactions and family networks. Bipedalism has promoted extensive migration and improved socialisation. Shorter finger bones and reduced reliance on forelimbs for locomotion have promoted increased tool manipulation. J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 35
RECENT HUMAN EVOLUTION Command term = DISCUSS Evolution of culture (eg. art, science, language) has been more rapid and recent than genetic evolution (which requires many generations). Further cultural evolution (through genetic engineering and reproductive technology) may hasten changes in our genetic evolution. Certain products of cultural evolution (eg. medicines) may reduce genetic evolution via natural selection. Other products of cultural evolution (eg. pollution) may increase genetic evolution (increased mutagenic rate). J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 36
Sample questions a) Outline a method for dating fossils using 14C. [2] Q1 (5 min) a) Outline a method for dating fossils using 14C. [2] b) Outline the trends illustrated by the fossils of Ardipithecus and Australopithecus. [3] J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 37
Sample questions Q2 (4 min) Outline, using named hominid fossil species, trends in hominid skull evolution. [3] J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 38
Sample questions A1 a) most carbon is 12C but there is small amount of (radioactive) 14C; organisms absorb the same ratio of 12C:14C as in the environment; after death, no more atoms accumulate; 14C steadily breaks down so amount decreases/ half-life (~5730 years); the less 14C in a sample the older the fossil / 14C useful for dating samples suitable for fossils 1,000-100,000 years old; [2] b) Ardipithecus is an older genus (5.2–4.4 million years ago) than Australopithecus (4–2.5 million years ago); toe structure shows that both genera were probably bipedal; tooth structure changed as diet changed from soft fruits/leaves/seeds/ nuts to omnivorous diet; large canines seen in Ardipithecus to smaller canines in Australopithecus; increasing height —Ardipithecus is smaller (the size of a chimpanzee); change in face from projecting to flat face / from tall to small lower jaw / development of high forehead / loss of brow ridges; [2] J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 39
Sample questions Q2 Australopithecus afarensis (A. afarensis) had a relatively small skull with a low forehead/moderate sized brow ridges; A. Africanus (and A. robustus) evolved from A. afarensis with increases in cranial capacity/larger brow ridges/low forehead; Homo habilis (H. habilis) had a small cranial capacity/small brow ridges/increased forehead; H. erectus/H. neanderthalensis/H. sapiens followed H. habilis and show increased cranial capacity; As the Homo sp evolved, the forehead increased; As the Homo sp evolved, the orbital ridges decreased; 3 max J WERBA – IB BIOLOGY 40