Employee Engagement and Empowerment
Increase profitability with value-added services Employee engagement and empowerment Increase deal size Grow with Managed Services Differentiate your offerings Connect the entire workforce by including Firstline Workers in collaboration and industry solutions Changing demographics, geographic dispersion, and modern workplaces creates new adoption and change management opportunities Unite employees by deploying mobile and intelligent intranets powered through new communication and hub sites Increase revenue by building industry-focused applications that integrate with other Office 365 workloads Help customers modernize their legacy VBA apps into modern PowerApps and Flow based apps Maintain and support customers’ intranet portal and departmental sites using new intranet capabilities Monitor and drive usage by leveraging insights from the PowerBI Office 365 Adoption Content Pack Drive additional engagement through providing alignment of customer and Microsoft roadmaps Deliver end-user and IT support
Increase employee engagement Professional Services with Repeatable IP Problem Statement Opportunity Statement Microsoft 365 capabilities Several organizations are using one way communication strategy in their intranet portal. There is lack of engagement from employees. Some organizations have 3rd party or home grown solution for intranet, thereby not leveraging their investment in Office 365 Without 2 way dialogue, employees do not feel their voice is heard and feel disengaged with the organization Millennials expect work place capabilities to be on par with personal social and communication tools Engage employees by changing your intranet from monologue to dialogue Modernize work place intranet from a static portal to dynamic social portal Increase workforce productivity by leveraging new capabilities such as dynamic news, hub sites, and intelligent search Integrate various collaboration tools to build one cohesive intranet experience for your users Reduce cost by retiring 3rd party intranet solutions Communication and Hub Sites (link) Microsoft Stream (link) Yammer feed integration on sites Intelligent Search & Discovery (link) Locate expertise (link) Integrate Yammer with SharePoint online capabilities using Microsoft Flow (link)