Short Answer Test Near East, Egyptian, Ancient Greece, and Roman Art Each question is worth 10 points. C
Funerary vase c. 750 BCE Geometric Period Question #1: What was the purpose of this vase? Funerary vase c. 750 BCE Geometric Period
Question #2: What is the purpose of this painting? House of Publius Fannius--reconstructed
Question #3: What does this house plan communicate to the viewer about what the Romans thought was most important? Plan of a Typical Roman House
Temple of Athena Nike Question #4: Who did this temple honor exactly? Athens, c. 425 BCE Temple of Athena Nike Athens, c. 425 BCE
Question #5: What is the purpose of this arch? Arch of Titus Rome c.82 C.E.
Question #6: Who had the Colosseum built Question #6: Who had the Colosseum built? Why is the actual location--the site chosen—significant? The Colosseum
Kallikrates and Iktinos Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens 447-428 BCE Question #7: How does entasis support Pericles’ political goals for the Athenian city-state? Kallikrates and Iktinos Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens 447-428 BCE 4:9 breath to length swelling of the columns ideal Doric temple an earthly home of Athena—patron goddess of Athens Kallikrates and Iktinos Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens 447-428 BCE 5th Century Classical
Kritian Boy 480 BCE Early Classical Question #8: What this sculpture so significant? Kritian Boy 480 BCE Early Classical
Question #9: Why is this sculpture definitely Hellenistic? Dying Gallic Trumpeter Roman Copy after the original bronze of c. 220 BCE Hellenistic Period
Question #10 How does concrete allow the Roman Empire to replicate its values throughout a far-flung empire?