An overview of Information and Library Resources Elaine Blair, Science Faculty Librarian Introduction and say what the session is about. 1
Welcome to the Library Andersonian Library is based in the Curran Building at the top of Cathedral Street. There will be regular Library induction tours during welcome week and beyond. 2
Curran Building (Library) James Weir Livingston Tower Business School Graham Hills Student Village Curran Building (Library) So, let’s begin by making sure that you know where the Library is. We’re right next to the new sports building so you can’t miss us.
What does the Library offer? Open 7 days of the week during term time Weekday early morning and late night opening (7am-midnight) Self service & automatic renewals (24 weeks for Standard Loan) Request books online Access databases, ejournals, ebooks & exam papers from anywhere (DS password) Different work environments – group and silent study space We are open 24 hours during the exam period. Your student card gives you access. You don’t have to come in to the Library to request books and to access electronic material. Can renew from web or smart phone. Your IT (DS) password (you get this when you register) is your passport to accessing electronic material. Over 1m ebooks, 240 databases and 120,000 ejournals. If you do want to study in the library, you’ll find that you can choose from different learning environments. 4
How do I find information? SUPrimo search Easy way to search our collections It’s just like Google. Type in some words A lot of books and journals are now available electronically The Library may have changed since you were at school or college. It should be easier to find material using our online search system: SUPrimo. SUPrimo is the way to search our collections. It searches for print and electronic books and journals, journal articles, databases, exam papers, theses. Library services are available from the Strathclyde app You’ll find that the full-text of a lot of material is now available electronically so you can access it wherever and whenever you like. If you do come in to the Library you’ll find lots of study spaces, access to PCs, laptop areas and also group working areas. 5
SUPrimo search Example SUPrimo search for academic writing. Click on title link or electronic resource link to access the ebook. There may be more than one version (edition) of a book. Click on the There are x versions of this item to see all the editions.
SUPrimo search – book details Details of a print book from the Get It tab, showing location, loan period and availability.
SUPrimo search – ebook Details of an ebook showing how to get the full text by clicking on the Electronic resource tab.
Where will I find different subjects? Level 5 – Arts & Humanities, Planning, Architecture, Law, Literature, Children’s Collection, Maps & Atlases, Media, Education Resources Centre, Small group discussion rooms, Group discussion area Level 4 – Science, Engineering, Computer Science, Information Science, Psychology, Business, Education, Language, Social Sciences, Small group discussion rooms, Group discussion area Level 3 – Entry point, Enquiry Desk, Short Loan, PC areas Level 2 – Large group discussion rooms and pods, newspapers, Library Shop, assistive technology facilities Level 1 – Print serials (journals), Government Publications, Silent study area The Library has undergone major redevelopment. There is a greater variety of learning environments offered, with more group study areas and improved silent study spaces. There are drop-in group study pods and bookable group discussion rooms (book through website or at door using your card) on Levels 2 (max 7 people). There are small bookable group discussion rooms on Levels 4 and 5 (max 3 people). 9
Silent Study – Level 1 Silent study area on Level 1. Desks with power sockets.
Group discussion rooms – Level 2 Group discussion pods – Level 2 Bookable group discussion rooms on Level 2 and discussion pods that you don’t need to book. Two large group discussion rooms on Levels 4 and 5 and small bookable rooms.
Library Shop Level 2 Supplies a range of computer consumables for purchase including print cartridges, stationery, USB memory keys Offers a Binding service
Level 3 PCs available on Level 3, also social areas and booths
How do I start using the Library? New student guide: Skills Boost sessions: LibGuides: Don’t worry – the Library offers detailed and subject specific training which you can attend after you have settled into your course Pick up an Information Services guide. The guide for new students brings together information about the Library. LibGuides give you information on your subject and also on specific topics such as referencing. Today is just about giving you an overview. You will have subject specific training sessions. There are also Skills Boost sessions: half hour lunch time drop-in sessions in the Library on various topics such as Referencing and plagiarism and literature searching. 14
University Services PCs and Printing – 1500 computers available Email – MSOffice365 Web Drives – Access to university network drives(H \ I) and OneDrive (Cloud Storage) Pegasus – Timetable / Exam Results /Personal Details Myplace – Unified Virtual Learning Environment Wireless – Access to University Services using WiFi PCs and Printing facilities located around the campus. Undergraduates and PG taught students mailboxes are hosted on Microsoft’s Office 365 service. You can use webdrive as a way to access your University network drives (H:\, I:\) if you are using a wireless connection or you are off campus and want to access your files. You can access many University systems online through Pegasus – Portal to Easily Gain Access to Strathclye University Services MyPlace provides access to class resources & activities. All classes you are registered for will automatically appear on MyPlace if the lecturer has made them visible. Wireless access is available almost Everywhere
UoS Mobile App The UoS app gives your instant, real time access to campus resources and information Current features include: Get started guide Campus maps News & Events Library search PC availability checker Gym & fitness classes space checker Download from Apple Store, Google Play and Microsoft Windows Phone Store
PCs and Printing We have 1500 computers around the campus for our users 600+ available within the Library 30 PC Teaching rooms located around the campus Student Printing - B/W, Colour, A4 and A3 printing (Library and Stenhouse Wing 6.01only) and scanning available in all PC Teaching Labs. PCs teaching rooms are booked for teaching and each have additional specialised software. More detailed information available on teaching support page 24/7 access available in all PC Teaching Rooms; apart from library; using Red Card Student Printing - The University’s student print system can be used by adding credit to your DS account. Print cards provide easy access to the printers and make topping up your account simple.
Student Email Microsoft Office365 Mail Environment Features of Office365 50GB of space to store email Exchange 2016 services Access to email and calendars available from your PC, Mac, web browser and internet-enabled mobile devices OneDrive for Business – online based file storage MS Office365 ProPlus – access to MS Office suite is a cloud based email service provided through a partnership between the University and Microsoft using Microsoft’s Office 365 service. You can also download Microsoft Office365 ProPlus to up to 5 personal devices through your email account, giving you access to the full Microsoft Office suite while you are a student. OneDrive for Business – access to cloud storage, available through Microsoft Office 365.
Web Drives Use webdrive as a way to access your university network drives (H:\ I:) Personal network folder(H:\), shared departmental folders (I:\) Webdrive enables access to these files when using a computer or laptop that is not directly connected to the University network. Pegasus You can access many university systems online through Pegasus, including class and exam results, online registration and your personal details UG and PG taught students have 2GB space on H drive and they can also use their 50GB on Office365 Pegasus – Portable Easily Gain Access to Strathclyde University Services
Wireless Access The University’s wireless network is eduroam. Configuration and authentication information is available at: Student Residences Every bedroom in halls is networked – 1800 users Wifi is available in social areas within the residences There are over 1,000 Wi-Fi access points across campus and social areas in student residences. Laptop areas growing throughout the University Residences - Each bedroom has an network point allowing access to LAN Network/Ethernet cable is required and can be purchased from Library Shop and Graphics Services, cost £2 Some students may find that they have a strong wireless signal from their bedrooms (probably near the access point). Others may not. Majority of devices will connect easily. For others; configurator tools available from wireless access page -
Free Software & Support Recommended Software Downloadable software packages for use on university-owned computers, some software may also be installed on personal devices, free of charge Service Catalogue Students can download specific software for the duration of their course. Service Catalogue - an Information Services Catalogue to help our customers discover the wide range of services ISD has to offer. Our online catalogue is searchable and will list our services by category, A-Z, most popular, and those available to staff/students/researchers/visitors.
Useful Login /Authentication Information Logon to central IT systems and all IS PCs around the campus with your DS username / password (ras98156 / password) Logon to MSOffice365 email with your DS and password ( / password) Authenticate to eduroam with your DS / password ( / password) Login format different for these 3 main services
Cyber Security Visit the Cyber Security web pages Complete your cyber security training Follow our 10 simple steps to staying safe online More information on University systems Visit the Cyber Security web pages Complete your cyber security training Follow our 10 simple steps to staying safe online Lots of straightforward advice More information on University systems How to access O365, software downloads, etc. Anti-virus from Pegasus MS Office downloadable from O365
How do I get Library and IT help? Main Enquiry Desk on Level 3: Email: Telephone: 0141 548 4444 Out-of-hours Library & IT Support Email: Website: We also have lots of other ways to support you: Main Enquiry Desk Email: Tel 0141 548 4444 We have at least one Librarian who looks after each of the four Faculties – Humanities and Social Sciences (two Librarians), Science, Engineering, Business Tweet us @unistrathlibit… or come and see us! 24