New Results from NA48/1 KS  p0e+e- KS  p0m+m- Richard Batley


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Presentation transcript:

New Results from NA48/1 KS  p0e+e- KS  p0m+m- Richard Batley (University of Cambridge) University of Sussex, 10th March 2004 KS  p0e+e- Rare KS Decays : KS  p0m+m- … and their relevance to CP violation

Rare K Decays : CP Violation (r,h) a K+  p+ n n KL  p0 n n h KL  p0 e+e- g b KS  p0 e+e- (0,0) (1,0) (1.4,0) r KL  p0 g g KL  g g e+e- KL  g g, g e+e- KL  m+ m- KL  e+e-e+e-, e+e-m+m- (or m+m-)

Rare K Decays : Present Constraints (!) G. Isidori, hep-ph/0311084

Rare K Decays : The Future ? Expect : BR(K+  p+ n n ) ~ 0.8 x 10-10 ± 7 % intrinsic theoretical uncertainty BR(KL  p0 n n ) ~ 2.8 x 10-11 ± 2 % BR(KL  p0 e+ e- )SD ~ 4.5 x 10-12 ± 3 % Theoretically very clean B(KLp0 e+e-) precise measurement of area of unitarity triangle : A.Buras, hep-ph/0402191

KL  p0e+e- Contains three components .... 1) Direct CP violating d d W s d Dominated by top quark contribution : t t g e+ determine h e-

KL  p0e+e- 2) Indirect CP violating 3) CP conserving g e+ KL g p0 e- must measure KS  p0 e+ e- must measure KL  p0 g g Expect :

The NA48 Experiment

Neutral Kaon Beams KS KL Also hyperons: L0, X0 p+p- p0p0 pen pmn Sources of background for rare K decays pen pmn p0p+p- p0p0p0 KS  p0e+e- KS  p0m+m- ~10-9

NA48 1997 - 2001: Direct CP violation (e'/e) and rare KL decays KS KL DETECTOR 7.2 cm KL NA48 120 m 120 m

NA48/1 2002 : Rare KS decays Fluxes : KS ~ 3 x 1010 L0 ~ 4 x 109 X0 ~ 2 x 109 KS DETECTOR 7.2 cm NA48 120 m 120 m

absorber plug for KL beam NA48/1 Modifications new sweeping magnet dismount AKS counters Plus: DAQ x 2 New DCH r/o absorber plug for KL beam add photon converter 6 m (1.5 m long, bronze)

The NA48 Detector LKr EM calo. sp /p ~ 1.0% sE /E ~ 0.8% sx ~ 1 mm st ~ 230 ps

NA48 Events K0  p+p- K0  p0p0

Detector Performance p0  gg K0  p+p-

(Also used as normalisation channel) Search for KS  p0e+e- Main cuts : 0 < t/tS < 2.5 , 40 < EK < 240 GeV e± ID : 0.95 < E/p < 1.05 Blind analysis : Signal region : 2.5s box in (Mp,MK) kept hidden while cuts developed Control region : 6.0s box in (Mp,MK) Main background from Dalitz decays : KS  p0 p0 (Also used as normalisation channel) e+ e- g lost g require m(e+e-) > 165 MeV

KS  p0e+e- : KS p0p0D Background SIGNAL BGD cut

KS  p0e+e- : KS p0p0D Background OPPOSITE-SIGN SAME-SIGN Negligible background for mee > 0.165 GeV

KS  p0e+e- : KS  p0Dp0D Background SIGNAL BGD Residual background = 0.007 events

KS  p0e+e- : KL e+e-gg Background Use 2001 data (KL beam, x10 2002 KL flux) to estimate bgd : Residual background = 0.075 events

KS  p0e+e- : Accidental Background = accidental superposition of two separate decay fragments which happen to be close together in time Signal Region : Control Region : Extrapolate from CR into SR assuming flat Dt Background = 0.069 events

KS  p0e+e- : Accidental Background Main component of bgd : (relax E/p and t/tS cuts)

KS  p0e+e- : X0 Background

KS  p0e+e- : X0 Background SIGNAL BGD Residual background negligible

KS  p0e+e- Signal Finally allowed to open the box : 7 events

KS  p0e+e- Signal

KS  p0e+e- : Result KS flux : (from p0p0D) Acceptance : p0p0Dp0D 0.007 Background : eegg 0.075 accidental 0.069 Events : (mee > 0.165 GeV) (all mee )

Search for KS  p0m+m- Main cuts : 0 < t/tS < 3.0 , 60 < EK < 200 GeV , Muon ID Blind analysis : Signal region : 2.5s box in (Mp,MK) kept hidden while cuts developed Control region : 6.0s box in (Mp,MK) Main background from pion decay in flight : KL  p0 p+ p- m-n m+n Suppress using cuts on Mp, MK, t/tS , CDA, pT , …

KS  p0m+m- : KL  p0p+p- Background With t/tS cuts removed : MK Mp Residual background < 0.02 events

KS  p0m+m- : Accidental Background SR : CR : Main components :

KS  p0m+m- : Accidental Background Extrapolate from Control Region into Signal Region bgd = events

KS  p0m+m- : X0 Background Residual background negligible

KS  p0m+m- : Trigger Efficiency First 40% of data : Final 60% of data : Overall: e = 0.78 ± 0.02

KS  p0m+m- : Signal Finally allowed to open the box : 6 events

KS  p0m+m- Signal

KS  p0m+m- Result KS flux : (from p+p-) Acceptance : p0m+m- < 0.02 Background : mmgg 0.04 accidental 0.18 Events :

Interpretation of Results Form factor : p0 KS e- g e+ Chiral Perturbation Theory prediction :

Mass Distributions KS  p0e+e- KS  p0m+m- +3 bS/aS = 0 +3 -6 -3 -6 -3 +3 +3 -6 -3 -6 -3 Shape determined by ratio bS/aS :

Signal Acceptance VMD KS  p0e+e- : KS  p0m+m- :

Determination of aS Assume VMD : KS  p0e+e- : KS  p0m+m- :

Determination of aS and bS Statistics too low to determine bS accurately Consistent with VMD

Implications for KL  p0e+e- direct interference indirect For central aS values : What about the CP conserving components ?? ….

Implications for KL  p0e+e-

KL  p0gg p0 g g remove KL p0 p0 KTeV : (1.68  0.07  0.08) x 10-6

CPC Component of KL  p0e+e- KTeV NA48 Direct CPV ~ 5 x 10-12 aV Donoghue + Gabbiani, hep-ph/9408390

CKM Unitarity d d Vus s u W e+ n 0+ b-decay : K → pln : (2.0 s) E865 : Hyperons : N.Cabibbo, E.Swallow, R.Winston, hep-ph/0307298, 0307214

Vus from K-decay hep-ex/0402030

Hyperon Signals in NA48/1 L0 → pp-

X0 Signals in NA48/1 X0 → L0 g X0 → L0 p0 ~ 80,000 events (PDG 2002: 147 events) X0 → L0 p0 ~ 800,000 events

X0 Signals in NA48/1 pp0 pp0 X0 → S+ e- n X0 → S+ m- n (7 x world statistics) (first observation)

Summary (Vus ?) First observation of KS  p0e+e-, KS  p0m+m- (7 events) (6 events) Implications for CP violation in KL  p0e+e- Also in NA48/1 : KS  p0p0p0, gg, … (Vus ?) Hyperons 2003-2004: simultaneous K+, K- beams (NA48/2)