What are the bones of the pelvic girdle, their functions, and features?
The Pelvic Girdle Figure 8–7
The __________ ________________ Strong to bear body weight, stress of movement Part of the pelvis
Os Coxae Made up of 3 fused bones: _________ (articulates with sacrum)
The ______________ Also called the hip socket Is the meeting point of the ________________________________________ Is on the lateral surface of the os coxae Articulates with head of the femur (lunate surface)
Marks of the Pubis ________________: gap between pubic tubercles padded with fibrocartilage
Marks of the Pelvic Girdle _________________: formed by ischial and pubic rami attaches hip muscles
The Pelvis Figure 8–8
The Pelvis Consists of 2 __________, the _________, and the ____________ Stabilized by ligaments of pelvic girdle, sacrum, and lumbar vertebrae
Divisions of the Pelvis Figure 8–9
What are the structural and functional differences between the male and female pelvis?
Comparing the Male and Female Pelvis Figure 8–10
Comparing the Male and Female Pelvis smoother lighter less prominent muscle and ligament attachments PLAY Male and Female Pelvis
Pelvis Modifications for Childbearing __________________ Broad pubic angle (> 100°) _________________________ Wide, circular pelvic inlet Broad, low pelvis Ilia project laterally, not upwards
What are the bones of the lower limbs, their functions, and features?
The __________ Functions: weight bearing motion Note: __________ = lower leg; __________ = upper leg
Bones of the Lower Limbs ___________ (thigh) ______________ (kneecap) ________ and ___________ (leg) __________(ankle) ____________ (foot) ___________ (toes)
The ___________ The longest, heaviest bone Figure 8–11
Femur: The Proximal Epiphysis ____________: articulates with pelvis at acetabulum
Femur: The Neck Narrow area between head and trochanters Joins shaft at angle
Femur: Trochanters ___________________: tendon attachments
The Patella Figure 8–12
The ___________ Also called the kneecap A sesamoid bone Formed within tendon of quadriceps femoris ______________________ _____________________
The Tibia Figure 8–13
The ________ Also called the shinbone Supports body weight Larger than fibula Medial to fibula
Tibia: The Proximal Epiphysis ___________________: attaches patellar ligament
Tibia: The Distal Epiphysis ___________________: medial projection at the ankle
The __________ Attaches muscles of feet and toes Smaller than tibia Lateral to tibia
Fibula: Articulations with Tibia _________________: lateral projection of __________
The Ankle Also called the tarsus: consists of 7 __________ Figure 8–14a
Bones of the Ankle __________: ____________ (heel bone): carries weight from tibia across trochlea ____________ (heel bone): transfers weight from talus to ground attaches Achilles tendon
Feet: Metatarsal Bones 5 long bones of foot Numbered I–V, medial to lateral Articulate with toes
Feet: Phalanges _____________: ______________: Other 4 toes: bones of the toes ______________: big toe, 2 phalanges (distal, proximal) Other 4 toes: 3 phalanges (distal, medial, proximal)