Project 2 ‘Band Profile’ Week 2-3: 15th January 2018 Topic: TV and Radio interviews analysis
Monday 30.01.17 1. Complete editing of all your video exercises so far. 2. Polish all your ‘Project 2’ blog posts so far. Check that each blog post has an introduction ( objective of the task) and an evaluation at the end: What do you think went well? What new skills did you learn? What were the issues or problems you had? Has this been resolved and how? If not, what did you learn from it and how are you going to make sure you do not repeat the same mistake next time? Complete editing of all your video exercises so far.
Make sure that all your resources of information are properly referenced using Harvard Referencing system. Check your writing Read through your work Check that your sentences are well structured and try not to repeat yourself. Once you made a statement move on. Check your grammar, spelling and punctuation. Ask for help – We are here to help YOU.
Techniques used in interviews Body Language – In a TV interview you can clearly see a persons body language, and this can show how comfortable or uncomfortable they are when being asked questions. If a person is comfortable, their body language is likely to be more open. Eye Contact – Eye contact is important in any kind of interview, but whilst you watch a TV interview, if the person is looking everywhere but at the interviewer they become less believable and harder to really focus on. Language - Some interviews are more formal than others, so the language used could be different. For example, in a late night talk show the interviewee could be a bit more open with their answers, or they could swear/be more graphic with their answers, whereas this would not be possible in a morning show. They might also be likely to speak with their own colloquialisms, making them either easier or more difficult to understand. On the flip side, they might be more formal for the interview, making sure they are clear and well-spoken to be more understood.
Interviews analysis To be able to conduct and film good interview it is very important to understand how to meet professional standard. For this reason you will find 2 TV and 2 radio interviews ( this is your choice) and analyse them looking at the following: TV interviews: Introduce your analysis by answering: Who is in the interview and what the interview is about? Setting (mise -en –scene) : This is the arrangement of everything that appears in the framing – people , lighting, décor, props, costume etc. Answer were the interview is set and what the setting is like? Is it in the studio, is it part of the show or program ( which one), or is it one off? What the setting is suggesting about the type of interview we are watching?
Technical elements of the interview Comment on the camerawork; how the interview is shot, refer to type of shots and camera movements used. Please make sure to use subject terminology correctly. Are there any additional insert shorts or footage used during the interview ( clips from actor’s recent film, music video clip etc.) Comment on the sound: What was the quality of the sound like throughout the interview? Where there any points in the interview where non -diegetic (sound added in post production) was used. If yes explain where and for what purpose. Comment on the editing: How the interview is edited together? Can you notice any edit cuts or transition effects that were deliberately used to cut the answers and move on with the interview. Comment were and give visual reference ( screen prints). What was the pace of the interview like?
Interviewing techniques used What type of questions were asked (open or closed) ? What can you learn from this interview and apply in your project? Type of language used throughout the interview (formal or informal) ? Give some specific examples from the interview to illustrate your answer. How does the language used suites the type of programme or the show? Think of target audience. Comment on the tone of the interview and what the body language of the people interviewed suggest to the viewer: Do interviewer and interviewee feel comfortable thought the interview. How do you know it? Target audience: Who do you think this interview is for and is it suitable for its target audience? Why ? What do you like in specific about the interviews you have chosen and how can you use skills and techniques from it in your own project?
Radio interviews analysis Do not forget that Radio is ‘sound based’ medium therefore you need to look for something very special to attract the listeners. Radio interviews: Introduce your analysis by answering: What radio station the interview is part of? Who is in the interview and what the interview is about? Comment on the sound: What was the quality of the sound like throughout the interview? Where there any points in the interview where non -diegetic (sound added in post production) was used. If yes explain where and for what purpose. Comment on the pace of the interview: How is the interview edited to keep the pace of the interview going?
Interviewing techniques used What type of questions were asked (open or closed) ? What can you learn from this interview and apply in your project? Type of language used throughout the interview (formal or informal) ? Give some specific examples from the interview to illustrate your answer. How does the language used suites the type of programme or the show. Think of your target audience? Comment on the tone of the interview: Do interviewer and interviewee feel comfortable thought the interview, how do we know that ( use of jokes, laugher etc.). Target audience: Who do you think this interview is for and is it suitable for its target audience? Why ? What do you like in specific about the interviews you have chosen and how can you use skills and techniques from it in your own project?
Interactive platforms research Choose two well known bands and two local bands How does each band reaches to their target audience. What promotional strategies they use. Research into various interactive platforms to get an idea how bands promote themselves through digital mediums. Look for type of information provided (written, visual, audio etc.) Make sure to support your answers with images and print screens. What do you like about your chosen bands promotional strategies? Can you use some of their ideas in your own project?