Mechanical and Electrical System B F C 3 1 5 3 LECTURERS : IZUDINSHAH ABD WAHAB 012 2833 551 E5:003
LECTURE / LAB : S E C T I O N 2 TUESDAY (DK-G) 08.00 am – 10.00 am & WEDNESDAY (BK B4) 8.00 am – 10.00 am
Programme Learning Outcomes – PLO Apply knowledge of science, mathematics and engineering. Acquire in-depth technical knowledge and ICT in Civil Engineering. Analyse, design and understand the process of construction & maintenance system in civil engineering works. Identify problems and formulate systematic solutions in Civil Engineering practices innovatively. Apply scientific methods in research and development for engineering practices. Understand and recognize sustainable development and Occupational Safety & Health (OSH). Recognize the roles and ethics of professional engineer in fulfilling social, cultural and environmental obligations. Communicate ideas effectively through oral, written and the use of ICT. Display leadership, entrepreneurship and team working skills effectively. Recognise the need for, and the ability to engage in life long learning.
BACHELOR PROGRAMME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES The Faculty's engineering program shall produce Civil Engineers who are: Knowledgeable in Civil Engineering disciplines in-line with the industrial requirements. Technically competent and environmentally conscious in solving problems analytically and critically with comprehensive facts and ideas. Effective in communication, possess good leadership quality and adaptable to international working environment. Able to address engineering issues and conduct their professional responsibilities ethically.
GOALS To generate knowledge and understanding about principles and practice of mechanical and electrical in civil engineering field and to exposed to the function and application of building system for human comfort.
BLOOM’S TAXONOMY (COGNITIVE LEVEL) Examination paper of the subject and the level of taxonomy of each questions using the appropriate table of specification. BLOOM’S TAXONOMY (COGNITIVE LEVEL) LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 EASY MODERATE DIFFICULT KNOWLEDGE COMPREHENSION APPLICATION ANALYSIS SYNTHESIS EVALUATION 25% 50% 25%
Upon completion the course, students should be able to: LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion the course, students should be able to: Categorize M&E building system components according to degree of environmental friendly compliance level. Reproduce M&E schematic layout and detail report similar with industry requirement. Organize and plan site visit to produce data and information for given project voluntarily.
Environmental friendly
Why do we need mechanical and electrical system in building? When is the mechanical and electrical system applied on building during construction?
TOPICS: 1.0 M&E SYSTEM SCOPE AND IMPACT 1.1 The importance of M&E system in buildings 1.2 Scope of building M&E 1.3 Impact of building M&E 1.4 System integration and management
2.0 FUNDEMENTAL OF BUILDING PHYSICS 2.1 Establishing comfort 2.2 Basics of heat transfer 2.3 Sources of heat gain in buildings 2.4 Energy efficiency in buildings
3.0 VENTILATION 3.1 Indoor air quality 3.2 Natural ventilation 3.3 Mechanical ventilation 3.4 Ventilation design
4.0 FIRE SAFETY AND BUILDING TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM 4.1 Fire safety rules and regulation 4.2 Passive and active system 4.3 Elevator 4.4 Escalator
5.0 ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION 5.1 Source and Distribution 5.2 National Grid System 5.3 Protection and Earthing 5.4 Building Electrical Supply
6.0 WATER SUPPLY AND DISCHARGE SYSTEM 6.1 Cold and hot water supply 6.2 Building water distribution 6.3 Sanitary system design 6.4 Water efficiency in buildings
ATTENDANCE AND RULES Students must attend lectures not less than 80% of the contact hours. Students who do not fulfill (1) will not be allowed to attend further lectures and sit for any further examination. Zero mark (0) will be given to students who fail to comply with (1). Students must obey all rules and regulations of the university and must discipline themselves in order to avoid any disciplinary actions against them. Student must obey safety regulations during learning and teaching process.
REFERENCES : William K.Y. Tao. 2001. Mechanical and Electrical Systems in Buildings, 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall. New Jersey. David V. Chadderton. 2000. Building Services Engineering, 3rd Edition. E & FN SPON. London. Roger Greeno. 2005. Building Services, Technology and Design. Pearson, London. F.Hall. 2003. Building Services Handbook, Incorporating Current Building & Construction Regulations, 2nd Edition. Butterworth Heinemann. Benjamin Stein. 2000. Building Technology (Mechanical and Electrical). John Wiley.