Beyond the Pleasure Principle
The First Topography Conscious Preconscious Unconscious
The Second Topography Ego – conscious “self” Id – repressed unconscious Superego – internalized conscience
The Logic of Defense Mechanisms
The Pleasure Principle The id pursues pleasure and is unconcerned with the implications or repercussions. Society brings the id’s pursuit of pleasure into alignment with “reality” and realistic ways of attaining pleasure. This is called “the reality principle”. Early on in his career, Freud was convinced the pleasure principle held sway over unconscious life.
Especially in Dreams
Students and Colleagues like Carl Jung Disagreed
Freud was Bothered by Jung’s Interest in New Age Mysticism
Even Freud’s own Account of Dreams Seems to Confirm that not All Dreams are Sexual
Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920)
“Shell-shock” and Other Repetition Compulsions
Speculation: Trauma and the Primordial “Vesicle”
Repetition-Compulsion: Mastering Trauma
Eros vs. Thanatos: Life vs. Death Eros – the pleasure principle: pursuit of (sexual) union Thanatos – the death drive: pursuit of dissolution, return to previous state, destruction