Drug Industry Efforts: Individual Company and Multi-Manufacturer Karen O. Gibbs, Esq. Partner, Sidley Austin LLP – Chicago, IL
Individual Company Efforts Patient Assistance Programs (“PAP”s) Individual Company Savings Cards Participation in Multi-Manufacturer Savings Cards Support of Industry Work (e.g., PPA) Helping Patients to Afford Prescriptions
Patient Assistance Programs (“ “s) PAP Free Drugs Patient Qualifications typically, 200-300% FPL physician participation shipment of product Some Companies Offer Product-Specific Programs
Downsides for Patients PAPs Upsides for Patients F R E E ! Downsides for Patients Substantial Paperwork Involvement of Physicians/Stigma Typical Patient Needs to Enroll in Multiple PAPs
Upsides for Manufacturers PAPs Upsides for Manufacturers Cost-effective OIG Support for Free Product Programs Downsides for Manufacturers Heavy Administration
Individual Company Savings Cards Savings at the Pharmacy Counter Most Patients Would Need Multiple Cards Largely Replaced with PAPs and Multi-Company Savings Programs
Participation in Multi-Manufacturer Savings Cards Savings at the Pharmacy Counter Easy for Patients Savings on Many Companies’ Products
Support of Industry Work Partnership for Prescription Assistance
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