Therapeutic Exercise Modifications RC- STD. 19
Standard 19 Describe common surgical techniques and relevant anatomical alterations that may affect the implementation of a therapeutic exercise regime
Surgical Techniques Surgical techniques are any procedures involving the cutting into/open the body for purposes of repair, replacement, exploration, or other necessary measures Many techniques require the use of rehabilitative therapy after surgery to restore function Examples: Knee replacement, rotator cuff repair, broken bone
Anatomical Alterations Any change in the anatomical structure of a body part, whether permanent or temporary Some anatomical alterations require modified exercises or equipment during therapeutic rehab Examples: Loss of an appendage, removal of an organ, extreme swelling, loss of function
Implementing Modifications Implement simply means to put into use or effect Sometimes the standard/generic treatment plan is not possible due to surgeries performed and/or changes in the anatomical structure of the body In these cases, modifications (or changes) must be made to either/both therapeutic exercises and equipment
Example: Pt comes in for therapy 9 weeks post-op L) ACL repair. Performed body squats 2 days ago for the first time, and today knee is extremely swollen. Today’s program calls for leg press. How would you modify this for them. em?
Example: Pt comes in for cardiac therapy 6 weeks post-op heart surgery. Complaining of “soreness” in the chest around the incision. Upon inspection everything looks normal, no signs of infection. Today’s program calls for an incline while walking on the treadmill. How would you modify this?
Assignment Complete the Std. 19 Questions and Chart How would you modify/alter the assigned exercises based on the type of procedure they had? TKE