Web ASSIST Maintenance CSU & UC Data Issues 13th Annual ASSIST Conference Walnut Creek Marriott Hotel December 1 & 2, 1998
Overview Topics: Data Conversion Standard Course Prefixes “No Course Articulated” Extensive Draft-Mode Instances Old Articulation Agreements Articulation Agreement Column Widths CAN Data
Data Conversion Combine TCA and Course List data Generate additional course records from AAs Course name inconsistencies in AAs Department inconsistencies in AAs Some courses will get converted to text Since all courses in articulation agreements must match with curriculum data, we are combining data from multiple sources. Bacc/IGETC/CSU GE is most accurate, then course lists, then articulation agreements. ACS may need to work with Universities on course name and dept inconsistencies - cases where we can’t determine whether courses are local or standard - cases where bad depts exist for text items
Standard Course Prefixes No longer needed Course identification/selection in local form only Will continue to store data (just in case) but nothing in the new system uses it The current plan is … Reiterate process for entering courses Ask if anyone has needs related to standard course prefixes
“No Course Articulated” How to convert NCA, NCC, NA etc. when entered as a course using a standard prefix? ACS can convert to the text equivalent What should be in new “prefix” field? If we don’t have anything in the prefix field, there will no longer be a display of NCA, NCC, NA courses Does anyone really still need this?
Extensive Draft-mode Instances ACS will identify which Univs have this issue Work directly with those Univs to decide whether or not they should be deleted Describe issue and how it may have developed - people undating instances instead of unpublishing the file
Old Agreements ACS will ask each Univ to identify any old agreements in their local database that they don’t want converted into new database Any sense from audience on what they might want to remove?
Articulation Agreement Column Widths Description of problem & background Problem in Revelation and Web Needs to be resolved some time soon (not today!) New curriculum data linkages could make it worse Suggestions on process to resolve? Problem: Original specs in 1988 did not expect course “items” to line up horizontally This was probably not clear to anyone Left side allows 3 characters for footnote symbols but does not always need it. Therefore, left column can be a few characters wider than right side Course name and title widths are variable depending upon data. Course title is the one that changes when flipped right/left This means that if you have instances with multiple courses where you try to line them up horizontally, they may not line up when viewed the other direction
CAN Data Compare local course names between CAN and ASSIST Resolve any further course name inconsistencies Regular updates