HANDS The individual childs needs Support systems everywhere Cognitive support at home and school HANDS Beginners – start here Self insight – but how? What works best? Collaboration among teachers and parents Tunnel overview: 1. Scenario » 2. Solution » 3. Steps(3) » 4. TipsScenarioSolutionStepsTips Content description: Duration: 10 minutes Goal: Raise competence in handling graphics, sound and video Length (minutes/step): 5 Level (1-3): How to operate HANDS Number of slides: 6 Institution: Wirtek Dk Author: Name: Henrik Dalsgaard Contact: om Note: 1 Scenario Scenario 1: Uploading pictures, sounds and videos John want to create the his first SSSI for one of his pupils. But SSSIs involve pictures and maybe even sounds and video. And John never tried before how to get such things into the CoMe. What format to use and how big can they be?
HANDS The individual childs needs Support systems everywhere Cognitive support at home and school HANDS Beginners – start here Self insight – but how? What works best? Collaboration among teachers and parents Tunnel overview: 1. Scenario » 2. Solution » 3. Steps(3) » 4. TipsScenarioSolutionStepsTips Content description: Duration: 10 minutes Goal: Raise competence in handling graphics, sound and video Length (minutes/step): 5 Level (1-3): How to operate HANDS Number of slides: 6 Institution: Wirtek Dk Author: Name: Henrik Dalsgaard Contact: om Note: 2 Solution: Upload in proper formats – and how The proper formats to use in HANDS mobile tools are: Pictures: JPEG – or JPG format. Theyre the same. If the picture is actually a drawing and not a photo, then you should use PNG instead. Sounds: MP3 Video: VMW og MP4 – both are equally good. John have found the pictures, sounds and videos he wants to use, and has saved them in one same folder on his PC. They include pictures in JPG and GIF, a short recorded speach he has made with the phone in MP3 format and finally a short MP4 video. Solution
HANDS The individual childs needs Support systems everywhere Cognitive support at home and school HANDS Beginners – start here Self insight – but how? What works best? Collaboration among teachers and parents Tunnel overview: 1. Scenario » 2. Solution » 3. Steps(3) » 4. TipsScenarioSolutionStepsTips Content description: Duration: 10 minutes Goal: Raise competence in handling graphics, sound and video Length (minutes/step): 5 Level (1-3): How to operate HANDS Number of slides: 6 Institution: Wirtek Dk Author: Name: Henrik Dalsgaard Contact: om Note: 3 Steps (1)
HANDS The individual childs needs Support systems everywhere Cognitive support at home and school HANDS Beginners – start here Self insight – but how? What works best? Collaboration among teachers and parents Tunnel overview: 1. Scenario » 2. Solution » 3. Steps(3) » 4. TipsScenarioSolutionStepsTips Content description: Duration: 10 minutes Goal: Raise competence in handling graphics, sound and video Length (minutes/step): 5 Level (1-3): How to operate HANDS Number of slides: 6 Institution: Wirtek Dk Author: Name: Henrik Dalsgaard Contact: om Note: 4 Steps (2): Converting pictures 1.Consider the size of pictures before using them in HANDS. The HTC Touch Diamond phones used by many pupils has 640*480 pixels. 2.Start by marking the area of the picture you want to use for HANDS by dragging the mouse. Then Edit/crop. That will remove the part of the picture outside your marked square. 3.In Irfanview under Image/Information you can see the exact size and DPI of your picture. Consider setting DPI (dots per inch) to 96 if it is higher. Never increase the DPI. 4.Finally you save the picture in proper format: 5.Photos: JPG format: File/Save as and select Save as type: JPG – JPG/JPEG format Set save quality to 70%. Drawings or similar: Save in PNG – use standard setting suggested by Irfanview. Steps (2)
HANDS The individual childs needs Support systems everywhere Cognitive support at home and school HANDS Beginners – start here Self insight – but how? What works best? Collaboration among teachers and parents Tunnel overview: 1. Scenario » 2. Solution » 3. Steps(3) » 4. TipsScenarioSolutionStepsTips Content description: Duration: 10 minutes Goal: Raise competence in handling graphics, sound and video Length (minutes/step): 5 Level (1-3): How to operate HANDS Number of slides: 6 Institution: Wirtek Dk Author: Name: Henrik Dalsgaard Contact: om Note: 5 Step (3): Ready to create an SSSI Now John has pictures (PNG or JPG), sounds (MP3) and Videos (VMW or MP4) ready in one folder on his pc. When creating his SSSI, he upload Multimedia directly from the PC. Please see the tunnel giving examples on how to create your first SSSI.Please see the tunnel giving examples on how to create your first SSSI Steps (3)
HANDS The individual childs needs Support systems everywhere Cognitive support at home and school HANDS Beginners – start here Self insight – but how? What works best? Collaboration among teachers and parents Tunnel overview: 1. Scenario » 2. Solution » 3. Steps(3) » 4. TipsScenarioSolutionStepsTips Content description: Duration: 10 minutes Goal: Raise competence in handling graphics, sound and video Length (minutes/step): 5 Level (1-3): How to operate HANDS Number of slides: 6 Institution: Wirtek Dk Author: Name: Henrik Dalsgaard Contact: om Note: 6 Tips: Overview of tunnels on How to operate HANDS(tunnellink)How to operate HANDS Tips Photo: Drawing/clipart:Sound: Video: JPG format PNG formatMP3 format VMW or MP4