Link Resolver and Knowledge Base in Discovery Services


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Presentation transcript:

Link Resolver and Knowledge Base in Discovery Services Jothy S & Soma Sundaresh January 24, 2018 Goa University

Session Objectives General Understanding of Link resolver. Why Knowledge Base? Informatics approach and link resolver journey. Conclusion. Q&A.

Why Link Resolver (LR)? If full text is not available, alternative links to acquire full text via, ILL or Pay-per-View. Facilitates full text access , irrespective of where the search originates. Scholar

Why Link Resolver? Maximizes usage of subscribed collection, improves ROI. Increases end user satisfaction by getting the user to the full text copy. Saves time in managing resources (no managing of complex link structures and holdings lists in multiple online services) Library Saves money by reducing ILL and document delivery charges.

Introduction to Link Resolver Link resolver is a specialized software that sits between a ‘Source’ from where the user begins his search process and a ‘Target’ where the user goes next. Source can be: Abstracting and indexing database. A-Z list of journal titles. OPAC. Footnote in an electronic full text article and so forth. Target can be: Electronic full text of the cited article. A document delivery request . Or a Pay per view.

Link Resolver Journey 1990s-Herbert Van de Sompel and colleagues developed “Special Effects” or SFX at the University of Ghent. Working with ExLibris, Van de Sompel also developed the OpenURL framework to provide “a standardized format for transporting bibliographic metadata about objects between information services. Many vendors then developed and released their own link resolver software. The major players are

Link Resolver - Journey Year Introduced Company Knowledge base 2000 Ex Libris SFX Global Knowledge Base 2001 OCLC Openly 1Cate 2003 EBSCO EBSCO integrated Knowledge Base Serial Solutions Knowledge Works 2004-NISO standardized the OpenURL protocol as ANSI/NISO Z39.88

How does a Link Resolver Work? IT takes an Open URL and extracts the metadata. Compare article metadata to knowledge base Where is the article available. Which version is preferred by the library. Puts together a predictable link to this version

What is Knowledge Base (KB)? Information about web resources. A database storing the following information: How to link the articles they contain? Holding Information of the Library’s resources - electronic and print(in addition to a number of other services) 

OpenURL Ecosystem: Roles & Benefits Includes 3 stakeholders and each has a specific responsibilities. Content Provider / Publisher Link Resolver Supplier Libraries

Publisher/Content Provider Role: Making their content open URL compliant. Providing information to the Knowledgebase what content they have and how to link it. Ensuring accurate and up-to-date holdings data is provided to LR owners. Provide MARC records to libraries. Benefits: Smooth and uninterrupted user experience. Improves publisher reputation. Driving more traffic. Increases usage and reach of their content. Increases chances of renewal.

LR Suppliers Role: Benefits: Regularly update the current holdings list from the content providers. Receive & update details of content providers’ inbound linking syntax. Provide means for the content providers to test their OpenURLs. Benefits: Provide more accurate link to full-text. Smooth user experience.

Library Role: Benefits: Register their link resolver with their content providers. Customize the Knowledge base with their holding information. Benefits: More content is visible to end user. Accurate links to full-text. Maximize usage of subscribed resources. Better ROI for the library.

Factors that Prevent the Technology from Working Not all publishers have adopted to OpenURL technology. Metadata inconsistency in the Knowledgebase. Inaccurate implementation of OpenURL syntax. Poor inbound URL syntax management by Open URL targets.

KBART Guidelines for effective exchange of Metadata with Knowledgebase Method of exchange: FTP/Website for download by LR suppliers. Frequency of Exchange: At least a Monthly metadata update is recommended. Data format: provide metadata formatted as tab-delimited values. Data fields: Content provider should include the following data fields. Publication title: Full name as available in print or on the homepage. Special characters in UTF -8. Previous title should be a separate entry. Collection of titles/packages should be sent as a separate file with the collection name identified in the file name.

KBART Guidelines for effective exchange of Metadata with Knowledgebase Print-format identifier : ISSN/ISBN (With hypen for ISSN) Online format identifier: eISSN/eISBN Date of first issue available online: ‘YYYY-MM-DD’, if only year is available then ‘YYYY’. Number of first volume available online: Avoid pre-fix Vol, V etc. Number of first issue available online: Avoid using any pre-fix Date of Last issue available: Use blank if coverage is current. Number of Last volume available: Use blank if coverage is current.

KBART Guidelines for effective exchange of Metadata with Knowledgebase Number of Last issue available: Use blank if coverage is current. Title level URL: For journals this page should list the available volume and issues. For books it should be Table of contents page. First author : for journals leave blank, books give the last name of the first author. Title ID: if you use title ID to links to content, supply the title id. Embargo: furnish the type, length and units of embargo. Coverage Depth: Coverage includes only ‘abstracts’ or ‘Fulltext’ or full text for ‘Selected article’.

Success of Link Resolver Is dependent on: Accurate and complete Citation metadata. Accurate knowledge base holdings. Accurate link syntax.