Easter symbols In giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org … in … English
THE CROSS Symbolizes Jesus' victory over death. giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
THE LAMB Represents Jesus, the Lamb of God giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
THE EASTER CROSS giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org The Cross, the all-pervading icon of Christianity, is an integral element of all Christian festivals, including Easter. It is the symbol of life over death. The crucifix is a cross with an image of Jesus' body hanging from it. It symbolizes the sacrifice, which Jesus did for humanity. giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
THE EASTER CROSS An empty cross, without the figure of Christ crucified on it, reminds Christians of Jesus' victory over death and the new life and hope the victory brings to humanity. On the Easter day, the cross is beautified with fresh white lilies. giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
EASTER LILIES AND FLOWERS The white blossoms symbolize the purity of Jesus. giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
EASTER LILIES AND FLOWERS Daffodils and tulips bloom in the spring, and symbolize spring and new life. giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
EASTER LILIES AND FLOWERS Flowers, emerging from the earth in the spring, also symbolize new life and the resurrection of Christ. giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
EASTER BELLS Are rung in France and Italy throughout the year but they are not rung on the Thursday before Good Friday. They are silent as way to remember the death of Jesus. They are then rung on Easter Sunday as way of telling people Jesus is alive again. giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
EASTER CANDLES and PASCHAL CANDEL Symbolize Jesus: "the light of the world". giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
Red wine is drunk to remember Jesus shedding His blood for humans giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
BREAD Unleavened flat bread is eaten to remember Jesus's sacrifice giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
BREAD with EGG Bread with red eggs, for ortodoxian church. giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
Creazione Maria Rita Poscia uovo vero di struzzo S. Pasqua 2008 EASTER EGGS An egg also is a symbol of the rock tomb out of which Christ emerged when He arose again. Creazione Maria Rita Poscia uovo vero di struzzo S. Pasqua 2008 giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
EASTER EGGS Easter eggs are among the most prominent symbols of Easter that signify fertility. During the Easter week, competitions are held on Easter egg painting. In fact during this period, the gift shops witness a booming sale of Easter egg ornaments. giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
EASTER EGGS Easter eggs have been acknowledged as a symbol of continuing life and fertility, since pre-Christian spring celebrations. Given as springtime gifts by the ancient Greeks, Persians and Chinese at their spring festivals, giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
EASTER EGGS the Easter egg appears in Pagan mythology as well, where the Heaven and Earth were thought to have been formed from two halves of an egg. giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
BABY CHICKS The chick, hatching out of the egg, symbolizes new life or re-birth. giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
EASTER BUNNY Easter bunny owes its origin to the Anglo Saxon goddess called Eostre, who was always seen with her bunny. This bunny had laid the first colored eggs. Cute plump Easter bunny rabbits are in the hottest category of kids' shopping list during the Easter festivity. giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
EASTER BUNNY The rabbit, or hare, was a symbol of abundant new life in ancient times, and reminds us of spring and new life. giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
PALM BRANCHES Represents when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and people waved palm branches, welcoming Him. giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
BUTTERFLY giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org The Butterfly is one of the significant symbols of Easter. Its whole life cycle is meant to symbolize the life of Jesus Christ. The first stage, is the caterpillar, which stands for His life on Earth. Second phase begins from the cocoon stage, portraying the crucifixion and burial of Jesus. The third and final stage is the butterfly, representing His raising from the dead in a glorified body and peace.
DOGWOOD TREE A BEAUTIFUL STORY ABOUT THE being the wood used for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The story, generally told at Easter when the dogwoods flower, adds that Christ caused the flowers of the dogwood to be a reminder of the cross on which He died. He allegedly did this by giving the flower two long and two short petals, and to have what look like nail prints on the petals to remind us that Christ suffered on the cross with nails through His hands. The story is remarkable, but unfortunately the legend is not true. http://www.creationtips.com/dogwood.html giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
EASTER HATS Symbolizes new life offered through the death and resurrection of Jesus giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
HOT CROSS BUNS Hot cross buns have a cross of icing on the top to remind people of Christ. giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
PRETZEL A food eaten during Lent- the twisted shaped symbolizes arms crossed in prayer giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
JESUS IS GLORIFIED This Statue of Glorified Jesus is located in Tarquinia . On Easter Sunday is brought in procession along the road of the town . giocoimparocongesu.altervista.org
Ideazione e ricerca testi Maria Rita Poscia S. Pasqua 2010