ROAD TO WAR TIMELINE Color Code: US OGA Joint UN/IGO Threat ROA AA is defeated and retreats back across the Arianan Border CJTF transitions to PHIV operations TBD CDR, 1/350(RA) INF BDE is KIA from VBIED while conducting partnered operations 15Oct17 2MAGTF est. FOB PULLER 15Oct17 AA BDE reserve committed against 2/52 11Oct17 21CAB destroys two AA BNs 12Oct17 2/21 conducts C&S IVO DERIDDER sustains moderate casualties 11Oct17 AA counterattacks against 2/52 IVO GERONIMO 03Oct17 2MAGTF destroys AA BDE in meeting engagement IVO GARDNER 10Oct17 AA establishing strong points in “uncertain” towns in 52ID AO 27Sep17 2/52 Cordon and Search discovers large cache of IED materials in TURANI 10Oct17 2/52 destroys two AA BNs IVO GERONIMO FLS 03Oct17 SAPA seize Marwandi Pumping Station 26Sep17 2/52 est. FOB BEAR 17Oct17 2xAMCITS killed by VBIED near Dara Lam Consulate 17Sep17 2/52 AASLT into AO BEAR 01Oct17 2/21 operational in AO WOLF 30Sep17 AA advances to the Sabine River 18Aug17 1/21 operational in AO HOG 28Sep17 6 AETF begins air campaign in Atropia 13Aug17 JTF-21 OPORD 27Sep17 21ID (JTF-21) MAIN operational ISB Alexandria 22Sep17 ROA requests US/UN assistance (Treaty/Charter) 08Aug17 CJTF-C issues OPORD CJTF-7 02Aug17 Reports of atrocities in Atropia by Arianan forces 07Aug17 CJTF-C & SOJTF formed by EUCOM 29Jul17 AA advances to the Neches River 03Aug17 POTUS authorizes preparation for deployment of US forces to ROA 24Jul17 Increase in IDPs fleeing western Atropia, some cross IB to Gorgas becoming refugees 24Jul17 OSCE mission in ROA begins 14Jul17 POTUS finding amended; authorizing covert OGA lethal support to resistance groups in occupied Atropia 14Jul17 SAPA seizes Shrevport 19Jul17 EUCOM increases Theater Security Cooperation Plan activities in Caucasus region 09Jun17 POTUS Presidential finding authorizing covert OGA non-lethal aid to Ariana dissidents 09Jun17 AA crosses into Atropia 14Jul17 US condemns Ariana support to SAPA 09Jun17 AA est TAA on IB 24Jun17 SAPA controls key terrain in Jasper, Lufkin, Deridder, Sangari and Orange 05Apr17 SAPA Insurgency increases anti-ROA campaign within Atropia 24Feb17