Welcome to... Holiday Squares A Game of X’s and O’s
Modified from a game Developed by Mark E. Damon Presentation © 2000 - All rights Reserved markedamon@hotmail.com
Haunted Ghost Cupid Spring Chicken Lucky Leprechaun Santa Tom Turkey 1 2 3 Haunted Ghost Cupid Spring Chicken Lucky Leprechaun Santa Tom Turkey Gary Groundhog Starring: Easter Bunny Chris Columbus 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 X 4 5 6 O 7 8 9 Scoreboard Click Here if X Wins Click Here if O Wins
1 Which astronomer said that the planets orbited the sun and the sun orbited the Earth?
1 Brahe Home
Name one disadvantage of a refracting telescope 2 Name one disadvantage of a refracting telescope
Imperfections or sagging of the glass lens 2 Imperfections or sagging of the glass lens Home
Why were calendars first developed? 3 Why were calendars first developed?
For planting and harvesting crops. 3 For planting and harvesting crops. Home
Which astronomer discovered sun spots? 4 Which astronomer discovered sun spots?
4 Galileo Home
Name the astronomer that discovered gravity. 5 Name the astronomer that discovered gravity.
5 Sir Isaac Newton Home
Name one form of energy that is blocked by the atmosphere. 6 Name one form of energy that is blocked by the atmosphere.
6 UV, Gamma, or X-rays Home
What is the name of our current calendar? 7 What is the name of our current calendar?
The Gregorian Calendar 7 The Gregorian Calendar Home
What is the name given to the year where an extra day is added? 8 What is the name given to the year where an extra day is added?
8 A leap year Home
What is the month and day used for a leap year? 9 What is the month and day used for a leap year?
9 February 29th Home