Can-Do Descriptors What are Can-Do’s? Can-Do’s are informative descriptors about a student’s academic abilities within the classroom. Can-Do’s are produced through testing results and teacher evaluation. The WIDA Can Do Descriptors are commonly used by ESL teachers in coaching general education teachers about differentiated instruction for English Learners (ELs). The Can Do Descriptors allow a teacher to know what CCGPS outcomes they can expect from their EL students. How many times have you had a student tell you they didn’t comprehend? Now they can’t do that. Prevents the wool from being pulled over your eyes.
Can Do Descriptors How might teachers use the CAN DO Descriptors? As an instructional assessment tool that supplements the English language proficiency standards, language teachers may use the Descriptors to: • share with classroom teachers as a way to describe or explain the stages of English language development using concrete examples; • work with content teachers to show language may be integrated within a given discipline or content area; • use to plan with tutors or mentors who work with English language learners; •
Can Do’s • develop or co-develop lessons with differentiated language objectives; • set language goals with their English language learners; • explain students’ progress in listening, speaking, reading and writing to parents/ family members; • suggest language goals to be incorporated into Individual Education Programs (IEPs) for English language learners with diagnosed disabilities; • translate English language proficiency test scores (i.e., ACCESS for ELLs®, the W-APT™, WIDA MODEL™) into instructional practice; • observe and note levels of student performance as a precursor to using WIDA Speaking and Writing rubrics for formative assessment; • advocate on behalf of English language learners to show what they CAN DO.
Level 1 Entering / DOK Level 1 • Label objects, pictures, or diagrams from word/phrase banks • Communicate ideas by drawing • Copy words, phrases, and short sentences • Answer oral questions with single words Students in this category: Can Do - Writing
Level 2 Beginning / DOK Level 2 • Make lists from labels or with peers • Complete/produce sentences from word/ phrase banks or walls • Fill in graphic organizers, charts, and tables • Make comparisons using real-life or visually supported materials Students in this category: Can Do - Writing
Level 3 Developing / DOK Level 3 • Produce simple expository or narrative text • String related sentences together • Compare/contrast content based information • Describe events, people, processes, procedures Students in this category Can Do - Writing
Level 4 and 5 / DOK Level 4 Can Do - Writing • Take notes using graphic organizers • Summarize content-based information • Author multiple forms of writing (e.g., expository, narrative, persuasive) from models • Explain strategies or use of information in solving problems Students in this category Can Do - Writing
Can Do Level Descriptors Ability to understand the following Academic Language Level 1 Entering Level 2 Beginning Level 3 Developing Level 4 Expanding & Level 5 Bridging Understands: Listen-DOK 1 Draw-DOK 2 Point – DOK 1 Illustrate – DOK 3 Match – DOK 2 Repeat- DOK 1 Trace –DOK 1 Locate – DOK 2 Circle – DOK 1 Select – DOK 2 Sort – DOK 2 Copy – DOK 1 Respond – DOK 2 Identify – DOK 3 Define – DOK 3 Name – DOK 1 Predict – DOK 3 Label – DOK 2 State/Restate – DOK 2 Describe- DOK 3 Group – DOK 2 Respond /List- DOK 3 Categorize – DOK 3 Sequence – DOK 3 Answer – DOK 3 Tell or Say – DOK 1 Ask/Request – DOK 3 Classify – DOK 3 Create – DOK 4 Connect – DOK 4 Make Lists – DOK 2 Rephrase – DOK 3 Give Examples – DOK 3 Recall – DOK 3 Retell – DOK 2 Explain – DOK 4 Summarize – DOK 3 Role – Play – DOK 2 Compare/contrast – DOK 4 Discuss – DOK 4 Express – DOK 4 Analyze – DOK 4 Interpret – DOK 4 Justify/Defend – DOK 4 Elaborate – DOK 4 Critique – DOK 4 Narrate – DOK 4 Conclude – DOK 4 Convince – DOK 4 Reflect – DOK 4 Resolve – DOK 4 Compose- DOK 4 Infer – DOK 4 Synthesize – DOK 4 Hypothesize – DOK 4 DOK level depends on your depth of requirement for the task. The level of DOK depends on the expressive task. The DOK ties both ESOL and CCGPS together.
Grades 3-5 Example CAN DO Descriptor: Expanding Level 4 Student Listening Speaking Reading Writing Student E was born and raised in the United States. He is now in third grade. Infer from an activity after hearing oral information. Discuss stories, issues, and concepts. Find details that support main ideas. Maria Que Jesus Smith Take notes using graphic organizers. Jose Doe Erika Tomas Differentiation Ideas for Student E (third grader) +He will benefit greatly by contrasting and comparing two characters from teacher’s oral reading, using a graphic organizer. + He will benefit by presenting reports on research on topics of interest that he can make connections to from personal experience. +He will benefit by drawing on inferences from the text with the teacher’s help. + He will benefit by practicing with graphic organizers to write initial ideas and thoughts. Then allow student to use graphic organizer to write clear, organized and cohesive messages.
TASK WITH DIFFERENTIATION High School Example Student: EL student in American History Class Listening Speaking LEVEL CAN DO Descriptor: Expanding Level 2 + Match or classify oral descriptions to real-life experiences or visually represented, content related examples. DOK 3 CAN DO Descriptor: Expanding Level 3 Suggest ways to resolve issues or pose solutions. DOK 3-4 TASK WITH DIFFERENTIATION During a unit on the American Revolution, I could ask Student to create a timeline of the events leading up to war by listening to my short description and placing a picture of the event at the correct location on a timeline. Student is presented with the issue of low voter-turnout in the United States and asked to orally discuss his suggestions for solving this problem. SUPPORT IDEAS Photo cards, flashcards, or other visuals or manipulatives Charts, graphs, oral discussion, and peer or group discussion
TASK WITH DIFFERENTIATION High School Example Student: EL student in American History Class Reading Writing LEVEL CAN DO Descriptor: Expanding Level 2 + Classify or organize information presented in visuals or graphs. DOK 2 CAN DO Descriptor: Expanding Level 4 Compose narrative and expository text for a variety of purposes. DOK 3-4 TASK WITH DIFFERENTIATION Strengthen his abilities to interpret print sources, analyze data, or draw conclusions using supportive cues. Strengthen his ability to express and create written text from multiple media resources using supportive cues. SUPPORT IDEAS Provide a series of photographs, vocabulary cards and/or object cards prior to and during the reading of assigned print source. View short topic video and provide graphic organizer to identify main ideas/concepts.
Summary WIDA’s “Can Do Descriptors” can be used along with DOK level indicators Depth of Knowledge is also correlated with helping the EL’s to move from Level 1 in language acquisition to a level 6 where they are proficient. Combining the CDD’s and the DOK can be a useful tool for determining academic ability. The CDD’s and the DOK can be a useful tool for lesson differentiation.
Resources ESOL Contacts: Dr. April Aldridge – Troy Thomas – Charlotte Thomas – Stephanie Daniels – Vivian Burke – – PowerPoint will be available Standards and Instruction tab will give you a list of all the Can Do’s along with a great research to tell you how they were created and how to effectively use them.