11/10/2018 Graduation Rate 93% of students will graduate within four years School & District Culture Increase the percentage of families and students who would recommend Roswell High School as a place to attend school to a family member or friend Partnerships Increase the number of impactful partnerships that align to school goals Transparent and Efficient Management of Local Funds Reduce the number of audit findings for Student Activity funds and ensure effective management of funds between schools and School Governance Councils College & Career Readiness 80% of students will complete either academic pathways, work-based learning or TAG internships Outcomes: What will success look like for our school? Staff Engagement Increase the percentage of employees who would recommend Roswell High School as a place to work to a family member or friend Family Engagement Increase the percentage of families who feel empowered to support their students’ educational journeys On-Track for Graduation 65% of 10th grade students will meet the College & Career Readiness Benchmark on the PSAT Credit Recovery & Repair Program Provide opportunities for students missing credits to regain on-track graduation status Effective Communication Provide families with frequent and effective communication regarding school initiatives and programs Community Champions Cultivate and sustain community champions to support student achievement Effective Budgeting Refine and adjust our modified zero-based budgeting process to ensure that resources are used effectively and efficiently to impact district goals Complete Hornet Experience Provide Opportunities for students to have a balanced academic experience Initiatives: What will we do to achieve success? Professional Learning Communities Establish educational teams that meet regularly, share expertise and work collaboratively to improve teaching skills and academic performance of students Parent University Offer programs that include free courses, family events and activities to equip families with new or additional skills, knowledge, resources and confidence Positive Hornet Progress Implement PSAT strategies throughout the curriculum and provide students and teachers with ERW and Math specific strategies Updated June 19, 2018
Credit Recovery & Repair Program 11/10/2018 Initiatives: What will we do to achieve success? Critical actions: What major actions will we complete and by when? Evidence of progress: How will we know that the initiative is working? Outcomes: What will success look like for our school? Offer Credit Repair program for students who fail core subjects between a 65-69 Offer extended credit repair for students who fail Algebra 1 or Geometry with a 55-69 Offer 2nd semester trailer course for students with 55 in 1st semester Algebra 1 or Geometry Increase capacity of credit recovery lab Offer ESOL Extra Learning Lab Increased % of course completion resulting in credit through credit recovery/repair programs. Decreased rates of repeat participation in credit recovery/repair programs. Graduation Rate 93% of students will graduate within four years Credit Recovery & Repair Program Students declare intent for pathways as 9th graders. Increased percentage of students on-track to complete an academic or career tech pathway. Increased percentage of students enrolled in work-based learning and TAG internships. College & Career Readiness 80% of students will complete either academic pathways, work-based learning or TAG internships Promote and boost general awareness of academic and career tech pathways at RHS and to rising middle school students. Counselors will introduce pathways to students during course registration . Standards Mastery Framework Complete Hornet Experience PSAT/ SAT Professional development will be provided to a cohort of teachers PSAT/SAT trained teachers will redeliver content to PLCs Incorporate PSAT review into units of study Incorporate 9th grade NHI study hall Increased percentage of teachers completing professional development related to PSAT/SAT review. Evidence of review materials supporting PSAT review incorporated into 9th grade PLCs. Increase of overall class averages of 9th graders On-Track for Graduation 65% of 10th grade students will meet the College & Career Readiness Benchmark on the PSAT Positive Hornet Progress 2
Initiatives: What will we do to achieve success? Critical actions: What major actions will we complete and by when? Evidence of progress: How will we know that the initiative is working? Outcomes: What will success look like for our school? Fill communications manager position Highlight academic achievement, test outcomes, career tech programs, academic participation and performance Increase Hispanic community communication and interaction fostering educational partnership Conduct student survey Conduct safety assessment with Roswell PD Parent survey results Benchmarks tracked – number of parent emails opened, etc. Increase the number and proportion of parent communications and events that are translated in Spanish Student survey results School & District Culture Increase the percentage of families and students who would recommend Roswell High School as a place to attend school to a family member or friend Effective Communication Establish educational teams that meet regularly, share expertise and work collaboratively to improve teaching skills and academic performance of students Provide leadership opportunities for PLC coaches Create opportunities for teachers to feel empowered, such as Teacher Curriculum Council Teacher survey Attendance in PLC Teacher retention Increased number of teachers with school based leadership roles Staff Engagement: Increase Teacher retention and the number of employees who would recommend RHS as a place to work to a family member friend or neighbor. Professional Learning Communities
Initiatives: What will we do to achieve success? Critical actions: What major actions will we complete and by when? Evidence of progress: How will we know that the initiative is working? Outcomes: What will success look like for our school? Fill business partner position Outreach to civic organizations Outreach to business partners Continue Realtor Breakfast Continue Mental Health Partnerships and increase awareness of mental health Continue Mentorship Program Continue collaboration with RHS PTSA Complete Environmental Scan of current and prospective partners to better understand the targets for community champions Increase the number of contacts between RHS and community Increase the number of community partnerships Increase quantity of community partners who give to RHS Increase revenues from community partners Increase proportion of general gifts as opposed to direct gifts Partnerships Increase the number of impactful partnerships that align to school goals Community Champions Seek outreach opportunities via faith based organizations Increase collaborative meetings with feeder schools to align student, staff, parent and community events. Continue to seek opportunities to deliver messages of opportunity and success Continue Principal coffees Engage Hispanic families by providing translation services and outreach Increase the number of live streaming events and viewership Increase the number and proportion of parent communications that are translated in Spanish Increase PTSA membership Increase attendance at Parent University Events Increase attendance at 11th grade parent meeting Family Engagement Increase the percentage of families who feel empowered to support their students’ educational journeys Parent University
11/10/2018 Scott Initiatives: What will we do to achieve success? Critical actions: What major actions will we complete in year one? Evidence of progress: How will we know that the initiative is working? Outcomes: What will success look like for our school? Minimize monthly deficits by monitoring your budget Principal and administrative staff will review the Budget Accountability Report (BAR) monthly SGCs will monitor school General Fund on a quarterly basis Average monthly deficits are 1 or less each month Carryover is projected to be less than 5% at the end of the school year Transparent and Efficient Management of Local Funds Reduce the number of audit findings for Student Activity funds and ensure effective management of funds between schools and School Governance Councils Effective Budgeting Scott Strategic Plan: Roswell High School