Battle of El-Alamein and Operation Torch


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Presentation transcript:

Battle of El-Alamein and Operation Torch By: KA, AW and JC

Thesis: Despite being pressed away from North Africa during early WW2, the allies managed to make a come back in the region through collaboration with the United States, forcing Hitler to consume resources while allowing for a smoother assault on Italy, marking the beginning of the allied assault in WW2.

Timeline: First Battle of El-Alamein: Jul. 1-Jul. 26, 1942 First Battle of El-Alamein: Axis forces tries to defeat the British at El-Alamein, but results in a standstill. Nov. 8, 1942 Operation Torch Begins: Anglo-American forces land in Africa, beginning Operation Torch. Nov. 10, 1942 Captured Oran U.S. forces captured the city of Oran due to superior forces. Oct. 23-Nov. 3, 1942 Second Battle of El-Alamein: British forces defeat the Axis at El-Alamein, forcing them to retreat. Nov. 8, 1942 Captured Algiers: Surrendered Algiers to the Allies, gave them a firm bridgehead within mediterranean. May 11, 1943 Germans Surrender: German forces in Africa surrender to the British after Allies take Tunis.

Allied Leaders: Bernard Montgomery Led the (British) Eighth Army. Helped reinvigorate his army, developing them into an elite fighting force Ended the Axis powers as a threat in North Africa Dwight D. Eisenhower Appointed Commander of Allied forces for Operation Torch Helped in the planning of Operation Torch Gained support from his superiors, which helped prepare him for the invasions of Sicily and D-Day

Axis Leaders: Erwin Rommel Appointed Commander of Afrika Korps String of successes due to his tactics Brilliant desert-war tactician Adolf Hitler Ordered Rommel to stand and fight at El- Alamein leading to excessive casualties Brought German troops in to respond to Allied landings in Africa Spent vital resources to defend Northern Africa, affected future battles

Timeline: First Battle of El-Alamein: Jul. 1-Jul. 26, 1942 First Battle of El-Alamein: Axis forces tries to defeat the British at El-Alamein, but results in a standstill. Nov. 8, 1942 Operation Torch Begins: Anglo-American forces land in Africa, beginning Operation Torch. Nov. 10, 1942 Captured Oran U.S. forces captured the city of Oran due to superior forces. Oct. 23-Nov. 3, 1942 Second Battle of El-Alamein: British forces defeat the Axis at El-Alamein, forcing them to retreat. Nov. 8, 1942 Captured Algiers: Surrendered Algiers to the Allies, gave them a firm bridgehead within mediterranean. May 11, 1943 Germans Surrender: German forces in Africa surrender to the British after Allies take Tunis.

First Battle of El-Alamein Germans attacked under the control of General Rommel and forced the British army to retreat out of Libya. Allies regrouped in El Alamein Allies managed to fight the Germans to a standstill

Timeline: First Battle of El-Alamein: Jul. 1-Jul. 26, 1942 First Battle of El-Alamein: Axis forces tries to defeat the British at El-Alamein, but results in a standstill. Nov. 8, 1942 Operation Torch Begins: Anglo-American forces land in Africa, beginning Operation Torch. Nov. 10, 1942 Captured Oran U.S. forces captured the city of Oran due to superior forces. Oct. 23-Nov. 3, 1942 Second Battle of El-Alamein: British forces defeat the Axis at El-Alamein, forcing them to retreat. Nov. 8, 1942 Captured Algiers: Surrendered Algiers to the Allies, gave them a firm bridgehead within mediterranean. May 11, 1943 Germans Surrender: German forces in Africa surrender to the British after Allies take Tunis.

Second Battle of El-Alamein Montgomery put in charge of British Eighth Army. Made army stronger Defeated the Axis and forced them to retreat. Axis consumed too much resources

Activity! Have some free chocolate Basically, the Allies outnumbered the Germans 2:1 at Second Battle of El-Alamein.

Timeline: First Battle of El-Alamein: Jul. 1-Jul. 26, 1942 First Battle of El-Alamein: Axis forces tries to defeat the British at El-Alamein, but results in a standstill. Nov. 8, 1942 Operation Torch Begins: Anglo-American forces land in Africa, beginning Operation Torch. Nov. 10, 1942 Captured Oran U.S. forces captured the city of Oran due to superior forces. Oct. 23-Nov. 3, 1942 Second Battle of El-Alamein: British forces defeat the Axis at El-Alamein, forcing them to retreat. Nov. 8, 1942 Captured Algiers: Surrendered Algiers to the Allies, gave them a firm bridgehead within mediterranean. May 11, 1943 Germans Surrender: German forces in Africa surrender to the British after Allies take Tunis.

Operation Torch Background Who: Anglo-American forces and Axis forces Where: Northern Africa When: November 8, 1942 - May 11, 1943 What: Allied invasion of French-controlled Northern Africa, with landings at Oran, Algiers, and Casablanca Why: Open another front in war, attack Germany through “soft underbelly”

Operation Torch: Allies’s first test with the concept of unified command Wasn’t most effective, but will be model for all other WW2 battles First USA led operation in Europe Goal of operation: Capture North Africa The Allies had over twice the number of troops the Axis did, making the capture of three key cities an easy feat. Algiers on Nov 8th, Oran and Casablanca fell two days later

Timeline: First Battle of El-Alamein: Jul. 1-Jul. 26, 1942 First Battle of El-Alamein: Axis forces tries to defeat the British at El-Alamein, but results in a standstill. Nov. 8, 1942 Operation Torch Begins: Anglo-American forces land in Africa, beginning Operation Torch. Nov. 10, 1942 Captured Oran U.S. forces captured the city of Oran due to superior forces. Oct. 23-Nov. 3, 1942 Second Battle of El-Alamein: British forces defeat the Axis at El-Alamein, forcing them to retreat. Nov. 8, 1942 Captured Algiers: Surrendered Algiers to the Allies, gave them a firm bridgehead within mediterranean. May 11, 1943 Germans Surrender: German forces in Africa surrender to the British after Allies take Tunis.

Operation Torch Allies pushed the Axis forces back to Tunis Eventually surrounded the Axis at Tunis, forcing them to surrender While Operation Torch was happening, Operation Barbarossa was happening in the USSR Tried to draw resources away from Soviet Union

Map of Operation Torch

Significance Allied Victory Major Turning Point First America-led Operation in Europe Opened another front in the war Germany lost vital resources Led to invasion of Sicily and Italy (Italian Campaign) Start of the Allied assault against the Axis

Works Cited "Afrika Korps." Europe Since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction, edited by John Merriman and Jay Winter, vol. 1, Charles Scribner's Sons, 2006, pp. 16-19. Gale Virtual Reference Library, Accessed 25 Apr. 2018. "Dwight D. Eisenhower." Historic World Leaders, edited by Anne Commire, Gale, 1994. Biography In Context, Accessed 26 Apr. 2018. "Operation Torch, 8 November 1942 and the British Advance to Tunisia, November 1942 - February 1943." Chadwyck-Healey Atlas of World History, 2004. History Study Center, "The Second World War in Africa.". History Study Center, us&rft_dat=xri:ho:sup:1240. Tucker, Spencer C. "Operation Torch." Battles That Changed American History: 100 of the Greatest Victories and Defeat, by Spencer C. Tucker, ABC- CLIO, 2014, pp. 214-217. Gale Virtual Reference Library, Accessed 24 Apr. 2018. Watts, Tim J. "Operation Torch." World History: The Modern Era, ABC-CLIO, 2018, Accessed 25 Apr. 2018. Watts, Tim. "Battle of El Alamein." World History: The Modern Era, ABC-CLIO, 2018, Accessed 25 Apr. 2018.