The High School Experience Leap Day 2018
The Highlands High School Experience INTEGRAL FORMATION During these incredibly important years, it’s imperative that your student is in a place that takes: the Catholic Faith seriously their Academics seriously Your student’s Character Development seriously High school is a critical time in a person’s development -The choice you make for what HS to attend has long lasting impacts on the person who you become as an adult. -The environment you are in and the experiences you have. -Imperative to be in a place that takes faith seriously, education seriously, and character development seriously. -We want to show you all the amazing things waiting for you at THS in high school
We take our Catholic faith seriously… Personalized Attention Formation Teams Sacraments Apostolic Outreach We take our faith seriously… Chalice vs Pepsi Personalized attention to help guide you on your spiritual journey Formation teams and religious Sacraments Apostolic outreach Throughout MS and the first two years of HS, formation programs focus on develop strong personal identities as a man or woman rooted in Christ. Single gender allows this to happen
We take our Academics seriously… 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade English I Biology Algebra I/Geometry Rhetoric Theology I Western Civilization I Language I English II Chemistry Geometry/Algebra II Theology II Western Civilization II Language II Fine Arts Elective English III/AP English Language Physics Algebra II/Math Elective Theology III US History/AP US History Elective English IV/AP English Literature Science Elective Math Elective Theology IV Political Science/Economics Over a dozen AP courses including: English Language & Comp, English Literature & Comp, Biology, Physics, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Statistics, US History, Psychology, Spanish Language & Culture, Latin, Art (2D Design, 3D Design, Drawing) Electives including: Anatomy & Physiology, Environmental Science,, Journalism, Intro to Psychology, Political Science, Economics, Pre-AP Spanish, Latin I, II, III, Foundations of Art, Graphic Design, Musical Theater We take academics seriously… o We have a full and robust catalog of courses, including numerous academic and fine arts electives as well as multiple AP offerings in every subject. Credentials Experiences teaching at Ursuline vs THS with AP classes etc. o Socially you will get the best of both worlds, gender specific education on a coed campus o By Junior and Senior year they have the maturity and self-identity and will have some coed classes
We take our Character Development seriously… Coaches and moderators focus on turning the experiences into opportunities for growth in leadership and virtue. In our high school there are approximately 3 leadership positions per every 4 students. There are about 3 leadership opportunities per every 4 students. Begin contributing right away. Highly adaptable club offerings based on student interest SPORTS: Football, Cheer, Basketball, Soccer, Tennis, Track, Swimming, Golf*, Baseball*, Softball* ORGANIZATIONS: Boys & Girls Student Councils - National Honor Society - National Spanish Honor Society - Student Ambassadors - Conquest/Challenge Team Leadership - Pro-Life Club - Technology Club - Yearbook Club - Prom Committee INTERSCHOLASTIC COMPETITIONS: TAPPS Choir - TAPPS One Act Play - TAPPS Art - Physics Bowl - Quiz Bowl - Model UN - National Latin Honors EVENTS: Clash of the Classes - Spring Musical - Talent Show - Field Day – Retreats - International Missions – Mission Trips - Holy Week Missions - 40-Days for Life - Theology Bowl - Powder-Puff Games – Fall and Spring Blaze – Homecoming Week - Homecoming Dance - Prom
Student experiences… Things are different here because you can be who you were made to be, a beloved daughter or son, and learn to be a sister and brother to your friends. Other schools aren’t like that. I went to another Catholic school before here and it was not about family. It was about surviving and competing among others for attention. I love THS because I can be who I am and I don’t have to pretend to be someone else. I can be proud of my faith. I can also be silly and weird without receiving judgement and criticism. THS is where you have the opportunity to do whatever you want to try. You aren’t stuck in one role or activity- play soccer, be in the musical, go on mission trips- whatever you want. You are surrounded by a family that wants the best for you.
Re-Enrollment for 2018-2019 Re-Enrollment packet will be emailed to you. Re-Enrollment is February 5 – March 1. Seats are only held through March 1. No change in tuition for 2018-2019. Late fees begin on March 2. Watch email for more details!! Do not change this slide.
Thank You for Attending! Email us if you have any questions! Don’t change slide. Thank them for coming. Questions if you have time. Tell them to email you if they have questions.