LAB SAFETY What is wrong with this picture?
Keep our Lab safe by Acting Responsibly Following Instruction Wearing protective clothing when needed Knowing where the fire extinguisher and fire blanket is and how/when to use them Removing jewelry, and wearing closed toed and heeled shoes. Not touching living or preserved animals Not taking anything from the lab Not entering or working in the storage room unless a teacher gives you permission
More safety tips Never mix unknown chemicals Never leave items unattended Never work alone in the lab Especially a fire
Safety First WAFT Tie hair back Clear your desk before getting supplies Wear Goggles at all times Never smell items directly WAFT
Never drink in the lab Never eat in the lab**. This includes bringing food /gum in the lab, and tasting the items we will be testing **Unless you have the teachers permission to do so
What is this? R I A H Answer: Hair Up
What is this? NO LAFOODB Answer: No food in the lab
What is this? WORK,WORK WORK Answer: Don’t work alone
Don’t Forget No Loose Clothing Use Shower and Eye Wash in Emergency Do NOT pick up broken glass – get the teacher. Report all accidents to the teacher !
Please return both pages of your safety agreement ALL SET? Please return both pages of your safety agreement by Friday of this week.