Instructor: Mr. Loomis Room: 241 Algebra 1 Email: Phone Number: 794-4190 Materials: (required in class daily) ▪ Notebook (three ring binder) ▪ Notebook Paper ▪ Pencils/Pens/Highlighters ▪ Textbook ▪ Scientific Calculator (not your phone) ▪ Homework Grading Scale: ▪ 90%-100%....A ▪ 80%-89%......B ▪ 70%-79%......C ▪ 60%-69%......D ▪ Below 60%....F Weights: ▪ Tests/Quizzes 60% ▪ Homework/Notes 40% Course Description: Algebra I is the beginning high school mathematics course in the Algebra I-Geometry-Algebra 2 sequence. It is designed to lay the mathematical foundation needed in order to assist students in the preparation for geometry and advanced algebra topics. This course will include a study of: (1) positive and negative numbers, (2) solving linear equations, (3) solving linear inequalities, (4) graphs and functions, (5) systems of equations and inequalities, (6) exponents, (7) polynomials and factoring, (8) quadratic functions, (9) radical expressions, and (10) rational expressions. Class Expectations: ▪ Be in your seat on time, ready to start. ▪ Positive Language (no profanity, put-downs, or bullying). ▪ Use our class time for math; be prepared to take notes, ask questions, participate in class, and work. ▪ Be organized (Keep all notes, handouts, assignments, study guides, quizzes, and tests in a notebook). ▪ Treat all people (students, staff, and visitors) and property with respect. ▪ Ask permission to borrow classroom supplies. ▪ You may bring a water bottle to class – no other drinks or food are permitted. ▪ Clean up after yourself and return borrowed items. ▪ Listen and learn. The classroom is for learning. Passing period is for socializing. ▪ Use the restroom before coming to class. ▪ You must get permission to leave the classroom and wear a lanyard. ▪ Keep an open mind about math. It’s not that bad! ▪ Never keep anyone from learning. Talk when appropriate. Don’t interrupt. Calculators: Students will need to bring a scientific calculator with them each day to class. Students are not allowed to share calculators when taking a quiz or test. Calculators are to be used for computation. They do not take the place of showing work. Students will be required to show how an answer was acquired. Minimal credit will be earned for a correct answer without accompanying work shown. You are not allowed to use the calculator on a phone. Electronic Devices: All phones, smart watches, and iPods (music) are not allowed in this class. They are to be powered OFF and kept out of sight (that doesn’t mean put them on vibrate). I only get to see you for a short time each week. I need you focused on our material and not your toys. If you have your device out, it will be taken to the office and administration will become involved. If you don’t want lose your things taken, don’t have them out.
Attendance: If you don’t come to class, you won’t pass. If you don’t pass, you get to do it all over again. Please make attendance a priority and always come to class. If you don’t like math, come anyways. If you don’t like the teacher, come anyways. It is your responsibility to make-up the work you miss. You can get this information from the Homework Assignments board posted in our room. If you are absent, you will miss the opportunity to receive an explanation of the material that is important to this course. Please do everything you can to see that you DON’T MISS THIS CLASS! I follow the tardy regulations found in the EHS student handbook: 1st Tardy – warning by the teacher, 2nd Tardy – teacher contacts parents, 3rd Tardy – administration takes over and consequences will be given. If you are 1 second, 20 seconds, or 1 minute late to class.…you are tardy! When the tardy bell rings, class will start immediately. There is no reason to argue. If you are more than 10 minutes late to class, you will be counted absent. Homework: Like sports, music, driving a car, and many other activities, practice in mathematics increases ability and confidence. You should plan on having homework every class. In some cases, this work could/should be started in class (bring your book to class). Homework which is completed and effort shown will receive 10 points. The homework is to be completed by the beginning of the next class period unless otherwise specified. Please use pencil when working on math. Showing your work for each problem is crucial and absolutely necessary for understanding math concepts. Time permitting, we will correct mistakes and discuss/complete homework questions of your choice. You are allowed to turn in late assignments (for less points) only if we are still working in that same chapter. Once we take the chapter test, no other work from that chapter will be accepted. Quizzes: You should expect a quiz about every 2-3 weeks, consisting of the most recent material covered in class. Tests: Tests will be given at the conclusion of each chapter. Topics will include new content, as well as review material. Students will be given an extra credit study guide prior to the test, which will closely resemble the assessment. The use of notes will not be allowed on a test. If sufficient effort has been made to work with the teacher, then it is possible to earn the opportunity to retake tests. Extra Help: I am usually available to help students before or after school. If you let me know when you are coming to see me, I can set time aside just for you. If I am not in my room, wait a few minutes, because I am probably making copies or visiting with another teacher in the building. Basically, if you need help with math and are serious about improving your grade, I will make time for you. Night Library (Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6-8 p.m.) is a good time to get help on homework, make-up tests, use the computers, etc.