Glenn York Elementary PTO Monthly Meeting | Thursday, January 11, 2018
Meeting Agenda Call to Order Announcements Presenting of Agenda Birthday Grams Pepperoni’s Spirit Day – Tuesday January 16th - All Day Staff Appreciation Lunch – Wednesday January 17th – all food dropped off by 10:00 Treasurer Report Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night – Thursday January 18th – 5:00- 8:00 p.m. Spirit Nights Spirit Store Rangers & Kolaches – Friday, January 19th – 7:15-7:50 a.m. Texas Roadhouse Cash in Spring Creek Spirit Night – Wednesday January 24th – 5- 9 p.m. Expenses Committee Reports PTO Meeting – February 1st – 6:30 p.m. – Carnival Planning Events Committee: Amazon Smile Polar Express Pictures Randall’s and Kroger Shopper Information Valentine Grams Contact information Valentine’s Dance New Business Carnival Fundraising Committee: Program – Town Hall Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser Audience Questions and /or Suggestions Sponsorships
Treasurer Report Month Activity Revenues $3,574 Expenses $1,790 Holiday Photos $2,780 Spirit Nights $674 Other $120 Expenses $1,790 Spirit Store $800 Holiday Photos $408 Sip & Shop $280 Administration $225 Other $77 Earnings $1,784 Beginning Cash $8,518 YTD Cash Flow $8,354
Events Committee Report Polar Express Pictures – December 7-8 We had 383 students participate. Thank you Mrs. Morrison for donating your time!
Events Committee Report Cont’d Valentine’s Dance – Feb. 9th 5:30-7:30 pm Volunteers needed for: set-up, running the cake walk, assisting at the photo booth, clean-up. Asking local bakeries/bakers, grocery stores included, for baked good donations for the cake walk. Food: Marcos Pizza and JAX Burgers
Ranger Day (AKA Spring Carnival) Please NOTE Date Change: March 3rd (12pm-4pm) Pre-Carnival Fun Run/Walk the same day at 11:30 a.m. (Check-in 11:00) Carnival Packets to go home at the end of January/Early February We can’t make this happen without YOU! MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW! MARCH 3RD!!
Please let Nicole know if you can make it! Next Carnival Meeting Friday, Jan. 19th at 1 pm Please let Nicole know if you can make it!
Sponsorships PTO is in need of sponsors to help make the carnival a success. Sponsors can be individuals or businesses. All donations are tax deductible. Individuals donating should also check with their companies to see if they offer employer matching of donations.
Levels of Sponsorships Ranger Private Level: $100 Recognition and company name on signs displayed at silent auction Ranger Sergeant Level: $250 Mention on York PTO Facebook Page and Website Ranger Captain Level: $500 Host a table with company information, giveaways or register-to-win Company name on all flyers and marketing materials Company name on York PTO Carnival T-Shirt Ranger General Level: $750 Recognition and company logo on signs displayed at silent auction Company logo on all flyers and marketing materials Company logo on York PTO Carnival T-Shirt
Thank you to our Current Sponsors: Ranger General Level Sponsors: Best Brains Code Ninjas Creative Edge Art Studio Kids & Teens Dental Pearland School of Music Shelley Naiser Properties Ranger Captain Level Sponsors: Ranger Sergeant Level Sponsors: State Farm- Diego Cervantes Tutoring Club Ranger Private Level Sponsors: Kingsley Family Dental Care
Valentine Grams PTO will be selling Valentine Grams that will be delivered on Valentine’s Day (Wed. 2/14). Send one to your child, have your child send one to their friends or siblings, or send one from your child to their teacher. 3 different options: Teddy Bears $5.00 Plush Roses $3.00 Pixy Stix $1.00 Order forms will be sent home with students on 1/23 and are due on 2/2. Funds raised will go towards the free Valentine’s Dance and Carnival. Volunteers may be needed to help prepare the Valentine Grams and to deliver them to classrooms.
Birthday Grams SEND A BIRTHDAY GRAM TO YOUR STUDENT ON THEIR BIRTHDAY, OR ON THEIR HALF BIRTHDAY! COMES WITH A SMENCIL AND PERSONALIZED CARD. WHERE ARE THEY DELIVERED? The student can pick it up at the front office if saying their name on announcements, or it will be delivered to their homeroom teacher. HOW TO BUY: Purchase at any PTO meeting, PTO sponsored events, or order online.
AmazonSmile AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Glenn York PTO every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Glenn York Elementary PTO! The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases.
Kroger & Randall’s Shoppers Support York Elementary PTO Every Time You Shop!! = Kroger # 57821 Randalls # 13808
Pepperoni’s Spirit Day – Tuesday January 16th - All Day Staff Appreciation Lunch – Wednesday January 17th – all food dropped off by 10:00 Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night – Thursday January 18th – 5:00-8:00 p.m. Rangers & Kolaches – Friday, January 19th – 7:15-7:50 a.m. Spring Creek Spirit Night – Wednesday January 24th – 5-9 p.m. PTO Meeting – February 1st – 6:30 p.m. – Carnival Planning
Stay Connected Find us online on our website: Email: Facebook Page: York Elementary PTO Facebook Group: Glenn York Rangers PTO 2017-2018 Get text messages via Remind. Text @glennyork to 81010