Local Government Resources to Address Homelessness Susan Pourciau pourciau@flhousing.org
LG Funding to Help End Homelessness
State Funding Federal Funding Local Funding SHIP – State Housing Initiatives Partnership State Funding HOME CDBG – Community Development Block Grant CSBG – Community Services Block Grant HOPWA – Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS ESG – Emergency Solutions Grant Federal Funding GR – General Revenue Designated Revenue (food and beverage tax, etc.) Local Funding
SHIP Acquisition and construction or rehab of affordable rental housing for people moving out of homelessness (PSH) Provide deposits and rental subsidies for people moving out of homelessness (RRH) Eviction prevention
Acquisition and construction or rehab of affordable rental housing HOME TBRA – Tenant Based Rental Assistance; provide deposits and rental assistance Acquisition and construction or rehab of affordable rental housing
Acquisition and construction or rehab of affordable rental housing CDBG Acquisition and construction or rehab of affordable rental housing “Public services” and “public facilities” (e.g., shelter, support services)
HOPWA (for persons with HIV diagnosis) Acquisition and construction/rehab of affordable rental units Rent assistance Facility operations Services
ESG Acquisition and construction/rehab of shelter facility Shelter operations and services Street outreach Rapid Re-Housing (deposits, rental assistance, support services) Prevention HMIS
Designated Revenue Example – Miami/Dade’s food and beverage tax funds homelessness assistance system Example – some communities have designated revenue (surtax, etc.) for health care, which can fund certain homeless services Hint: If community has a designated surtax, you should make the case that there is a connection with homelessness
Up to local government elected officials – for better or worse General Revenue
The “Systems Approach” is critical Overemphasizing (overfunding) one piece of the system yields worse results Focus on “flow” - there must be entry doors and exit doors
LG’s Role in Increasing Access to Affordable Housing
Almost 1 million Florida households are severely “housing cost-burdened,” paying more than 50% of their income for housing Home Matters Report Out of Reach 2016 reports that a household earning minimum wage would need to work 99 hours weekly to afford a two-bedroom rental unit in the average Florida community 2017 Home Matters Report, Florida Housing Coalition
Florida Statutes: Chapter 163.3177(6)(f) Every jurisdiction in Florida has the obligation to provide for housing its entire current and anticipated population, including the most vulnerable . . . .
Examples: Promoting Affordable Housing Mixed-use and mixed-income housing close to employment, transportation, and services Progressive impact fees based on square foot rather than on unit Inclusionary housing policies
EXAMPLES: INHIBITING AFFORDABLE HOUSING Large lot and setback requirements that prevent development of smaller homes Minimum square footage regulations Disallowing increased density for affordable multifamily rental and disallowing ADUs