BELL RINGER! Do you think every student in the United States should be required to pass a citizenship test in order to graduate? Explain your answer!
CITIZENSHIP DISCUSSION Qs Why do you think voter turnout is so low amongst young people? Do you think civic education can be measured by a multiple choice test? Can you think of any other ways to create a more engaged group of young voters?
BELL RINGER! Do you think the government plays too big or too small of a role in your everyday life? Explain!
CAPs QUIZ!!! Read through the CAP handout with your partner (read the first two pages carefully). Then, answer the questions on the CAP “quiz” handout.
ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IN YOUR LIFE As a class, we will brainstorm 10 daily activities and determine whether or not the government plays a part in them We will also determine which level of government plays a role—is it: National? Is there a federal agency involved? State? Local?
“If men were angels no government would be necessary.” Institution through which society makes and enforces public policy Made up of people who exercise powers and have authority over people PUBLIC POLICY Things government decides to do! Taxation, defense, education, crime, health care, transportation, environment, civil rights, working conditions, etc. “If men were angels no government would be necessary.” – James Madison
BASIC GOVERNMENT POWERS LEGISLATIVE Makes laws and frames public policy EXECUTIVE Executes, enforces, and administers laws JUDICIAL Interprets laws and settles disputes
STATE A body of people living in a defined territory, organized politically with the power to make and enforce laws Dominant political unit in the world today (193-ish) In popular usage, a state is often called a nation or a country. 193 countries are members of UN Holy See and Palestine are non-member observer states. Some consider Taiwan to be a state. If all are included, 196 states (as of 2016)
POP QUIZ! Is IDAHO a state?!?!?!
FOUR CHARACTERISTICS OF A STATE 1. Population 2. Territory 3. Sovereignty Supreme and absolute power within its own territory 4. Government HANDS OFF, we got this.
ORIGINS OF THE STATE SKITS! Read your assigned theory on the origins of the state with your group. Textbook pgs. 7-8 Define and describe in your foldable Come up with a skit where ALL members must participate Requirements: The three A’s—Accurate, appealing, & awesome!
BELL RINGER! Define a state (make sure to include all FOUR characteristics!) *Note: You will have your first quiz on 9/1 (A Day) or 9/2 (B Day)
ORIGINS OF THE STATE EVOLUTIONARY THEORY States evolved from family units Families grew into large extended units or tribes Heads of families served as a government Evolved into tribal councils with a hierarchy of authority
ORIGINS OF THE STATE FORCE THEORY Governments emerged when people were brought under the control of a powerful authority One group conquers another and forces it to submit
ORIGINS OF THE STATE DIVINE RIGHT THEORY Belief that kings were chosen by a deity to rule the state 15th century Europe—Used by royalty to justify absolute rule Kings of France—the Sun King (King Louis XIV) and King Louis the XVI (king until the French Revolution)
ORIGINS OF THE STATE SOCIAL CONTRACT THEORY Age of Enlightenment (17th Century)– People challenge monarchy and idea of divine right State arose out of a voluntary act of free people in a state of nature “Contract” in which people give up a degree of freedom in exchange for security
FREE WRITE On your own paper, write a minimum half-page response to the following question: Do you think humans are inherently good or evil? In other words, are people born “good” or “bad”? Explain your answer and give examples to support your opinion.