Arrowhead PTA 6.10.5 PTA General Meeting June 4, 2013 6:30 – 8:00 pm Arrowhead Library
Agenda Welcome/Introductions Words from the School General Meeting Business Awards Committee Reports S.A.F.E.ty Clip Topics Upcoming Events We are still . . . Keeping it S.A.F.E! Simple/Sustainable, Accessible, Fun, and Enlightening
Welcome Introductions Name # of Kids/Ages PTA Role (can simply be meeting attendant!)
Words from the School Principal’s Message (Jesse Harrison) Staff Liaison Report (Deb Henderson) Bridging the summer education gap (Nina Gartland)
General Meeting Business Approval of Meeting Minutes, Quorum Established (motion optional – if changes) Brief overage or other budget spending discussion Playground tables – potential additional research needed Book spending money Health room cots
Budget Votes 2012/2013 Budget Changes (vote required) Move $250 from scholarship to popcorn expense for year end cleaning of machine 2013/2014 Budget Changes (vote required) Health Funds - increase $100 required for purchase of a new cot Popcorn - increase $250 for year end cleaning of popcorn machine Art Funds - increase $450 to reflect classroom art being $125 not $100 ($25 * 18 teachers) Classroom Books - $2,700 ($150*18 teachers)
Treasurer Report – Coleen Frederick Cash as of 5/31/2013 $47,473 (Checking $29,578 and Savings $17,895) May Income $ 13,702 May Expense $ (8,323) Net Incr/(Decrease) $ 5,379 Hawk Walk – Donations continue to be received. Please check PTA website for updated totals. Significant Expenses Carnival $ 934 Staff Funds $ 662 Art Night $ 513 MCT Deposit 2014 $ 500 Americana Quilts $ 465 PTA Training/Convention $ 427 PTA Awards $ 380 Staff Appreciation $ 358 May Events Hawk Walk Income(Donations – PP $1,174) $ 13,442 Income(Shirt Sponsor) $ 2,575 Total Income $ 16,017 Expense(Shirts) $ (2,228) Expense(Other) $ ( 500) Total Expense $ (2,778) Net Profit (as of 5/31) $ 13,239 Other Income Americana Quilts $ 740
Awards Golden Acorn Outstanding Advocate Honorary Life Achievement
Committee Reports Carnival Hawk Walk This Friday (Check website for class times)! Carnival Friday, June 14th Concessions/Tickets – 5:00pm Games - 5:30pm Gym and Outside Locations
Committee Reports, cont. 2013/2014 Open Positions and Announcements After School Science and After School Art likely not to be offered Reason: No open classrooms with sink will be available Looking for volunteers to run an 8-recess science program (spread throughout year) Looking to increase focus on art docent involvement in the classroom Bringing in Lego (both creative and science/engineering) Remaining Open Positions Art Night, Art Auction, Financial Review, Prize Procurement, Product Sales, Social Services, Geo Club Chair, Drama Club Chair, Dance Co-Chair, Hospitality Chairs, 8-Recess Science Chair Welcome Back Night to included a combined Ice Cream Social and New Family event. Be sure to look for e-mail communication around mid-August!
Out with the old . . .
In with the new . . . Induction Ceremony Welcome Exec Team of 2013-2014! Other Announcements Community Fundraiser – Garet Radovich (AH, KJH, and IHS alum) Benefit Concert - June 22 7:00 – 11:00pm Location: Fraternal Order of Eagles Kirkland, WA
Thank Yous! Anne Bartol/Rose Aliverti/ Nora Berry/Julie Gorom Staff Appreciation Week Julie Trott/Allison Barr Talent Show Erin Young/Erica Ridout Art Night Julie Trott/Candy Coalman Art Docent/Art Night Amy Knapp Amazing Newsletter Rose Aliverti Amazing Weekly Holly Reed Fabulous Facebook Tracy Ballweber/Tiffany Wintermute Kindergarten Meet & Mingle Cathy Schuh/Erin Person Hawk Walk Rebecca Looney (& Team) Carnival Julie Gorom Prize Procurement
S.A.F.E.ty Clip Items?
Upcoming Events June 7 June 14 June 17 Field Day June 19 Hawk Walk Day June 14 Carnival 5:00pm June 17 Field Day June 19 Last Day of School June 20 – TBD (likely after Labor Day) Summer Break June 22 – Concert Benefit for Garet Radovich Enjoy your summer break!!