Please find your name tag. Put your headphones under your chair Please wait for instructions Voice level 0
Log in card on back of nametag Please Log In Log in card on back of nametag Log in with YOUR username and password!
Survey Open Mozilla Firefox Click on Learning Leaders Scroll down to Mrs. Battaglino’s Page Scroll down to survey links This is not a test There are no right or wrong answers Read each questions and choose the answer that is right for YOU Raise your hand if you have a question When you are finished, PLEASE wait QUIETLY
Learning Goals I can explain how I can be a Good Digital Citizen in my every day life. TODAY – I can log in with my personal password. I keep my password private. I can log out.
Log card
Log In
Videos K-3 video: K-3 How to be a good Digital Citizen in the Lab.mp4 4-12 Digital Citizenship and You.mp4 Super Digital Citizen Video: Keep It Private Video:
Saving Double-click
Find your name
Signing out
K W L A What do you already KNOW? What do you WANT To Learn? What did you LEARN? How can you APPLY to the real world and everyday life?
Video FOCUS Listen for 5 Things you can do to be a good Digital Citizen Try to remember as many of the examples as possible
Video FOCUS Listen for examples of what you can do to be a good digital citizen Try to remember as many of the examples as possible
End of Class Routine Close all windows and applications SIGN OUT Straighten your computer desk Place your name tag on top of your laptop
Open Click on 5th grade circle Click on Word Clouds
Open Click on 5th grade circle Click on Word Clouds
END OF CLASS INSTUCTIONS Please close Don’t Save Gently close laptop lid
END OF Day INSTUCTIONS Click Start Button Click Power Click Shut Down DO NOT SHUT THE LID OF LAPTOP!!