For today’s session Have some paper and some colorful pens, markers, pencils, or crayons for a mapping exercise.
Poised for Leadership With Jo Miller
Jo Miller Helps emerging leaders create a roadmap for career advancement. Delivers more than 70 speaking presentations annually to audiences of up to 1,200 for conferences, associations and corporate employee resource groups. CEO of Be Leaderly.
Topics Getting the lay of the land Your sphere of influence Your leadership brand Making your value visible
Poll 1 Which topic will be most critical to your career advancement in the next year? Poll 1 Which topic will be most critical to your career advancement in the next year? Getting the lay of the land Your sphere of influence Your career sweet spot Your leadership brand Making your value visible
What are your goals for this program?
Logistics 60 minutes plus 10 minutes open Q&A By default, your line is on mute I will call on you Confidentiality Participate fully! Let me know before the session if you can’t attend
Buddies Would you like to be assigned a buddy for the duration of this program? You’ll check in every week for 15 minutes. If so, please type “buddy” into the questions field.
Getting the Lay of the Land
Do you enjoy playing the game? Office politics Do you enjoy playing the game?
You can’t afford to ignore office politics.
I asked 169 professional show they deal with office politics I asked 169 professional show they deal with office politics. Over 80% said their response is to either ignore it, or reluctantly play the game where necessary. In LinkedIn’s 2013 survey of 954 professional women, 23% said office politics as their biggest frustration. Many managers find engaging in office politics to be difficult and painful, and some even view it as “evil”. — Ruderman and Ohlott, 2002. Emerging Women Leaders Webinar Series, “Win at the Game of Office Politics.” In LinkedIn's 2013 survey of 954 professional women, 23% reported that their biggest work frustration was office politics. Research by Ruderman and Ohlott shows many managers view politics as “evil” and find engaging in political behavior to be difficult and painful. (2002)
In this group: 45% agree with the statement: “I know how to navigate office politics in a positive and effective way.” 0% strongly agree.
So why not just ignore it?
“…avoiding (office) politics altogether can be deadly for your career. Every workplace has an intricate system of power, and you can — and should —work it ethically to your best advantage.” — Erin Burt, Seven Career Killers.
Those who are politically savvy Have better career prospects Have better career trajectories Are seen as more promotable Are less likely to derail “Women and Political Savvy,” Leslie and Gentry, 2012.
4 competencies of the positively politically savvy: Social astuteness Interpersonal influence Networking ability Sincerity “Development and Validation of the Political Skill Inventory,” Florida State University Foundation, 2005.
Who do you know who does this well Who do you know who does this well? What qualities or characteristics do they have?
Organizational Awareness: Office Politics Organizational Awareness: Being an astute observer of the communication and relationships that surround you in your organization.
The Org Chart
The Shadow Organization Map
The Org Chart
Relationships Influence
Relationships Influence Coalitions
Relationships Influence Coalitions
Relationships Influence Coalitions Key Influencers
Relationships Influence Coalitions Key Influencers Verticals
What did you learn from your map that was useful or interesting?
Which element of the Shadow Organization Map did you find most useful? Poll Which element of the Shadow Organization Map did you find most useful? Poll 2 Which element of your Shadow Organization Map did you find most useful? Relationship lines Influence arrows Coalition circles Key people of influence Verticals
Exercise What are some ways to gather information to map your shadow organization? In face-to-face interactions Virtually
Homework Have a 15-minute check-in with your buddy. Share your goals. Keep adding to your Shadow Organization Map. Come to the next session prepared to report on what you’ve learned.
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Q & A