Objective & Bell Work –Day 1 Pre-Bell Question: Create a science/ social studies topic or question you would like to research on the Internet. What is Word Processing? -Bell Work Question: What is Word Processing? THE STUDENT WILL: The student will apply skills related to word pad. (Ongoing) The student will apply skills related to keyboarding.(Ongoing).
Explain what was the purpose of the lesson for today. Day 1 Mon. Exit Question Explain what was the purpose of the lesson for today.
DAY 2 BELL WORK OBJECTIVE: The student will: Pre-Bell Question: apply skills related to word pad. (Ongoing) Pre-Bell Question: Explain how you open a new document in a word processing program.
DAY 3 OBJECTIVE & BELL WORK OBJECTIVE-DAY 3 The student will: ICT14-a-c- apply word pad skills . a. Demonstrate proper hand, finger, and body position when using a keyboard (ongoing). b. Use correct finger reaches from home row to top/bottom row keys (ongoing). c. Perform touch typing by keying words, sentences, and paragraphs (ongoing). BELL WORK Question–WED. Describe how do you save a new document in a word processing program.
DAY 3 CLOSURE- EXIT QUESTION Why is keyboarding so important in schools as well as in the workplace? Explain
OBJECTIVE & BELL WORK DAY 4 Objective: Day 4 ICT14-a-c. The student will: demonstrate keyboard applications. apply skills related to word pad. (Ongoing) Pre Bell Question: Explain the different between print and print preview in a word processing document.
Day 4 Closure-Exit Question Explain how you save a document in a word pad.
DAY 5 OBJECTIVE & BELL WORK The student will: ICT1 3 &4—Demonstrate their strengths and weaknesses on computer applications and word (pad) processing skills. Pre Bell Question –Day 5: Explain how you can use Word Processing skills in the workplace.
Day 5 Closure –Exit Question Describe two techniques while keyboarding. Example: Your feet flat on the floor. (Think, Pair and Share)