Engr. Hinesh Kumar Lecturer I.B.T, LUMHS Signal and types Engr. Hinesh Kumar Lecturer I.B.T, LUMHS
Signal A signal "is a function that conveys information about the behavior or attributes of some phenomenon". In the physical world, any quantity exhibiting variation in time or variation in space (such as an image) that might provide information.. The term "signal" includes, among others, audio ,video, speech, image, communication, geophysical, sonar, radar, medical and musical signals.
Signal Processing A typical role for signals is in signal processing. A common example is signal transmission between different locations. The embodiment of a signal in electrical form is made by a transducer that converts the signal from its original form to a waveform expressed as a current (I) or a voltage (V), or an electromagnetic waveform, for example, an optical signal or radio transmission. Once expressed as an electronic signal, the signal is available for further processing by electrical devices such as electronic amplifiers and electronic filters, and can be transmitted to a remote location by electronic transmitters and received using electronic receivers.
Signal Transmission using Electronic Signal
Static and Quasistatic A Static Signal is an unchanging over a long period of time (Tlong). The term quasistatic means nearly unchanging. Quasistatic signal refers to signal that changes so slowly over a long period of time. Static Signal Quasistatic Signal
Periodic Signal A Periodic Signal is one that repeats itself on regular basis. Example of periodic signals include Sine wave, Sinusoidal wave and Triangular wave. The nature of the periodic waveform is such that each waveform is such that each waveform is identical to other sat like points along the time.. Periodic Signal
Repetitive Signal A Repetitive signal is quasiperiodic and thus bears some similarity to the periodic signal. Repetitive Signal
Transient Signal A Transient Signal is either a one-time event or a periodic event in which the event duration is very short compared with the period of waveform. Repetitive transient or quasi-transient Signal Single Event Transient Signal